- In traditional Chinese medicine, SSS belongs to " obstruction of qi in the chest" , "heart-throb" , "continuous palpitation" , "asthenic disease" , "infrequent pulse" . 祖国医学则根据病态窦房结综合征的临床表现归属于“胸痹”“心悸怔忡”“虚劳”“迟脉症”等范畴。
- Experience in Treating Obstruction of qi in the Chest 胸痹证治点滴
- An Approach to Pathogenesis and Cause of Disease of Obstruction of qi in the Chest 浅谈胸痹的病因病机
- Studing into the theory of Tongbukaixie law on treating obstruction of qi in the chest with Tianxiandan 天香丹治疗胸痹之通补开泄法理论探讨
- Experiences of Pro. Yuan Hai - bo in the treatmeat of cardialgia caused by obstruction of qi in the chest 袁海波教授辨治胸痹心痛经验
- Clinical Observation on Obstruction of Qi in the Chest due to Stagnation of Phlegm-stasis ( Angina Pectoris Owing to Coronary Heart Disease) Treated by Kuanxiong Dan 宽胸丹治疗痰瘀阻滞型胸痹(冠心病心绞痛)临床观察
- Comparative Analysis on Structure of Serum Lipoprotein in the Old Patients with Precordial Pain of Obstruction of qi in the Chest in Different Syndrome Type 不同证型老年胸痹心痛患者血清脂蛋白结构比较分析
- obstruction of qi in the chest 胸痹
- Is said to be the site of the state of Qi in ancient China. 据说是中国古代齐国的故地。
- 6 Health Ministry of P.R.China. Instructional principle of Chinese herbal medicine in treating obstruction of qi in chest. Zhongguo Yi Yao Xue Bao.1987; 2(6): 52, 46. Chinese. 中华人民共和国卫生部。中药治疗胸痹临床研发指导原则。中国医药学报。1987;2(6):52,46.
- The discussion about the stagnant blood, recognizing that its obstruction of qi and blood running in bone collaterals, and form of osteoporosis is one of the important factors. 通过对瘀血病因的讨论,认识到其阻碍骨络气血运行是形成骨质疏松症的重要因素之一。
- The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天。
- stagnation of qi in the chest and abdomen 心腹结气
- Impairment of yang and obstruction of qi 损伤阳气、阻滞气机
- The Prince Hui of Qi in the Southern Dynasties composed the "Fayue "Fayue Fanwu". 南齐惠太子制"法乐梵舞"。
- There is a minister called Yan Ying in the state of Qi. 齐国有一个叫晏婴的大臣。
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晋文公在齐国得到了很好的接待,齐恒公还把齐国的一个公主嫁给了他。
- Conclusion GV play a role of leading and controlling the qi in whole yang meridians.GV tre atment can improve the flow of qi and bl... 结论:督脉“总督诸阳”,督脉治疗可直接改善大脑和全身的气血运行,在砭术中重视督脉的治疗作用,可取得良好疗效。
- And the obstruction of ureter was improved. 输尿管梗阻得到改善。
- Your interference is an obstruction of justice. 你的干预阻碍了正义。