- The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace. 演主角的舞蹈家简直是美的化身。
- "Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with thee. “万福玛利亚,满被圣宠者,主与尔偕焉。
- A single thought, a singular touch of grace. 一个想法,一个慈悲的触摸。
- She is an agile swimmer, full of grace and speed. 她是一名游泳健将,泳姿优雅而动作矫
- It happened in the year of grace 88. 这件事发生在公元88年。
- We learn from any gazelle the naturalness of grace. 从任何一只瞪羚身上人类学到了优雅的自然性。
- The virgin lived in a state of grace. 这位圣女蒙受神恩。
- She has a wonderful face, full of grace and poise. 她有着一张绝妙的脸,满是优雅和沉着。
- Humankind's natural state as distinguished from the state of grace. 原始状态和优雅的状态有别的人类的自然状态
- A dreadful enlightenment spread through the mind of Grace. 一种可怕的启示掠过了格雷丝的脑海。
- According to the act of grace, many prisoners are set free. 按照大赦令,很多囚犯获得释放。
- Grace is not a reward for faith; faith is the result of grace. 恩典不是信心的奖赏;信心是恩典的结果。
- The doomed young rebel showed no sign of grace as he got older. 这个不可救药的逆子,在他长大起来的时候,并没有什么改好的表现。
- He has such humanity, such a sense of grace and honor. 他有这样的人类,这种意识的宽限期和荣誉。
- Rochester kept under lock and key in the care of Grace Poole. 她竭力想忘掉她对罗切斯特的看来毫无希望的爱情。
- She applied the same sense of grace and neatness to America. 对于她的国家,她也怀有同样的优雅与整洁的情愫。
- There is a period of grace before the ban comes into effect. 这个禁令生效前有一段宽限期。
- It was the God of Grace that gave to them promise of a redeemer. 神的恩典就是应许赐给他们一位救赎主。
- Perseverance. (Cf.: Means of grace: Word of God, Sacraments. 要不断坚持,要坚忍。(参:恩具:上帝的道,圣礼。)
- Two pieces of graceful morning-glories. 优雅牵牛花。