- Vote on the traffickers, the masses have a lot of wisdom to offer advice and suggestions. 就票贩子的情况,群众也有无穷的智慧来献计献策。
- Ian Fok called on the Hong Kong business community to work together for the country and the future development of Hong Kong to offer advice and suggestions. 霍震寰呼吁香港工商界同心协力为国家及香港的未来发展建言献策。
- Offer advice;give advice and suggestions derogatory 出谋划策
- offer advice; give advice and suggestions derogatory 出谋划策
- His advice and suggestions suit down to the ground. 他的建议非常合适。
- The women also gathered to offer advice and support to the new bride. 妇女们还聚集在一起向新娘提供建议和支持。
- Work with the designers and developers to offer advice and creative input in both the design and development of the product. 与设计和开发人员紧密合作,为产品的设计和开发提供建议。
- Thanks for your using our translation service. We believe your advice and suggestions will keep our cooperation in a better track. 感谢您使用华清翻译中心的翻译服务!请留下您的宝贵意见或建议
- We offer advice and information on the local economic and regulatory environment, and act as intermediary for contact with French administration. 我们提供建议和当地经济和法律环境的资讯,并在投资者和法国行政部门间牵线搭桥。
- Let us request those species willing to offer advice and work with us in relation to our new astrology signs to step forward now and stand before us. 让我们请求那些相关于我们的新星象标志、愿意提供建议并和我们一起工作的物种现在走出并站在我们面前。
- In bidding farewell to her, we sincerely hope Ms. Green will benefit us with her invaluable advice and suggestions tending to the improvement of our work. 在向格林女士告别之际,我们真诚地希望格林女士给我们提出宝贵的指导与建议,以便我们改进工作。
- Internal control department is available to offer advice and assistance on matters relating to deterrence and prevention of fraud. 公司内控部门将在此方面提供建议和帮助。
- At last, on the basis of integration between the two kinds of analyses, the penman gives some advice and suggestions about the teaching about the learning strategies. 最后,在对两种影响因素分析相结合的基础上,为当前内地西藏班(校)学生学习策略的教育提供有益的对策和建议。
- It is because of a lack of democracy and supervision that, to a degree, it is suppressed for people to initiate to offer advice and join in school management. 又由于学校管理缺乏民主,群策群力的积极性受到了压抑,所有这些在一定程度上成了我国中小学深化内部改革、提高教育教学质量的负面因素。
- I know that for you,the business community of Hong Kong,this Address was of great importance,and I am grateful for all the advice and suggestions that many of you have made to me over the last few months. 我知道各位本地商界人士非常重视这份《施政报告》。过去几个月来,您们向我提出了不少宝贵的意见和建议,在此谨向各位致谢。
- She helped me with advice and otherwise. 她以忠告和其他方式来帮助我。
- I know that for you, the business community of Hong Kong, this Address was of great importance, and I am grateful for all the advice and suggestions that many of you have made to me over the last few months. 我知道各位本地商界人士非常重视这份《施政报告》。过去几个月来,您们向我提出了不少宝贵的意见和建议,在此谨向各位致谢。
- In the meeting, some teachers and parents related had had discussed some issues regarding to "PTA structure, member, and duties". They also raised some conducive advice and suggestions for school. 会上,部分教师与家长代表一起就“家长委员会的组织结构、家委会成员及家长的职责、义务”等问题进行了讨论,还对学校事务性工作提出了建设性意见及建议。
- Welcome to giving us some advices and suggestions about our service and facilities. 欢迎您对本酒店的服务和设施提出宝贵意见和建议。
- I needn't you only agree or disagree my vies, what's more, i need your advice and suggestion. 我不要你仅仅同意或不同意我的看法,我需要有人给我提忠告,出主意等。