- Old name for what is now the crown court. 现叫“巡回刑事法院”。
- They visited Cathay (the old name for China) and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor. 他们访问过震旦(中国的古名),并且成为蒙古大帝忽必烈的朋友。
- Instead of substituting one new name for each old name, Overload Induction will rename as many methods as possible to the same name. 重载归纳不是将每个旧名称替换为一个新名称,而是将尽可能多的方法重命名为同一名称。
- The culture in Xiangxi and Shen's cultural endowment is a mixture of diversified cultural factors, mainly in the form of Chu (old name for Hunan) witchcraft. 湘西的文化特征和沈从文的文化秉赋是一种杂糅了当地的多种文化因素而又以楚巫文化为主的文化。
- An old name counted for something. 出身名门望族不无受到重视。
- She carved out a name for herself as a reporter. 她靠苦干而成了有名的记者。
- She first made a name for herself as an actress. 她最初是以当演员而成名的。
- This is a very popular name for a girl. 这是一个非常普通的女孩名字。
- He has a bad name for dishonesty. 他有不诚实的坏名声。
- Old name for a school for young delinquent 对青少年罪犯教养地方的一种老式叫法
- She first make a name for herself as an actress. 她最初是以当演员而成名的。
- She has made a name for herself as a singer. 她希望能够在歌唱事业中享有盛名。
- I have entered my name for Harvard University. 我已经申请上哈佛大学。
- The old name for Tokyo: 1603 - 1868 东京的旧称:1603年1868年
- She has got a name for herself as a singer. 她已成为一位歌星。
- An alternate name for a member of a partitioned data set. 一分区数据集中某成员的替换名。
- Editor is constantly on the watch to discover new talent in old name. 老编们是不断地留意于从旧人之中发现新才能的。
- Old it's another name for the policeman. 是警察的另一个名称。
- A young lieutenant was named for duty. 一名年轻的中尉被任命担任这项职务。
- Read over that list of names for me, please. 请把那份名单给我念一遍吧。