- A yellowish-green variety of olivine used as a gem. 贵橄榄石一种黄绿色橄榄石,被用做宝石
- The olivine from the Laoheishan is chrysolite.4. 老黑山熔岩中的橄榄石是贵橄榄石。
- Friend, I think is olivin colour. AMITAB.. 5系宝马的颜色是什么呀?
- A yellowish - green variety of olivine used as a gem. 贵橄榄石一种黄绿色橄榄石,被用做宝石
- The one in olivine is Jin Xu, the representative of Hanyan Gallery. 最左边的是韩燕画廊的总监靳诩。
- What part of olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole don't you understand? |橄榄石 辉石 闪石 不懂哪个?
- Forsteritic olivine almost invariably represents primary precipitate material. 镁质橄榄石几乎总是代表了原生沉淀物。
- Two types of water soluble resin are tested in alkali magnesium olivine sand. 用两种水溶性树脂在碱性镁橄榄石砂上进行了试验。
- A dense igneous rock that consists mainly of olivine and is a source of magnesium. 纯橄榄岩一种密度大的大成岩,主要由橄榄石组成,是镁的一种来源
- The olivine grains in the troctolite of the Upper Zone are rather short and thick. 上岩带橄长岩中的橄榄石颗粒相当短粗。
- As magma cools, the first minerals to crystallize are olivine and pyroxene, which are rich in iron and magnesium. 随著岩浆冷却,首先结晶出的矿物是橄榄石和辉石,富含铁和镁。
- Any of a group of igneous rocks composed mainly of olivine and various pyroxenes and having a granitelike texture. 橄榄岩含有大量橄榄石和各种辉石并有花岗岩状质地的岩石
- Basalt,olivine basalt and peridotite buried in deep strata may act just as the melten iron in laboratory. 地下深处的玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩和橄榄岩与实验室条件下的熔融铁类似。
- Elongate olivine crystals were aligned to produce a flow texture as this liquid phase crystallized. 在液相结晶时,长形橄榄石晶体的成行排列产生了流状构造。
- Olivine has been completely altered to serpentine, talc, and amphibole in the bore-hole examined in detail. 钻芯详细检查的结果,橄榄石全部蚀变为蛇纹石、滑石及角闪石。
- Magnesium olivine and pyroxene are silicate minerals formed at high temperatures, and they were found in substantial numbers among the Wild 2 samples. 镁橄榄石和辉石是在高温环境中形成的硅酸盐物质,在“怀尔特2”样品中发现不少。
- The results show that, Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. 结果表明:矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;
- The sand, which is formed by dark green crystals called olivine, is brought to the surface by volcanic activity. 这片绿沙由称为橄榄石的墨绿色结晶体形成,被火山活动带到地表。
- A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance. 玄武岩一种硬的、致密的、黑色的火山岩。它主要由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成,外表经常很光滑
- Abundant copper material was derived from volcanic rock series (olivine tholeiite) in the rift. 丰富的铜质来自巨厚的裂谷火山岩系(橄榄拉斑玄武岩)。