- My children, my props in old age. 我的孩子们是我暮年的靠山
- If one does not exert oneself in youth, one will regret in old age. 少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤。
- In youth we run into difficulty, in old age difficulty run into us. 年轻时咱们闯进困境里头去,上了年纪之后,困境冲着咱们而来。
- Loneliness in old age is the curse of modern society. 老年孤独是现代社会的不幸。
- He kept his good looks even in old age. 即使年老了,他仍保持着好看的容貌。
- He led a miserable and dreary life in old age. 他晚景凄凉。
- Be gentle in old age; peevishness is worse in second childhood than in first. 老来是要和蔼; 第二幼年期乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。
- In youth we run into difficulties, in old age difficulties run into us. 年轻时咱们自己闯进困境里头去了,上了年纪之后,困境冲着咱们而来。
- In old age we live under the shadow of death. 人到老年就生活在死亡的阴影中。
- Life in old age continues to be work and worry. 人到晚年仍然奔波劳累,牵肠挂肚。
- There is often a recession of sight in old age. 上了年纪的人视力逐步减退。
- Our intellectual power will decay in old age. 人的智力在年老时会衰退。
- Blum investigates users'needs in old age. 购买厨柜时考虑到年老者。
- Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age. 少时辛苦,老来享福。
- Don't put your trust only in old age. 不要迷信。
- Lazine in youth ells regret in old age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
- He became really gross in old age. 他的老年变得真的很见不得人。
- There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age. 上了年纪的人视力逐步减退。
- If one does not exert oneself in youth,one will regret it in old age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
- Though it‘s too early to assess overall wine quality, Wine Spectator‘s editors have analyzed the season‘s conditions in key regions and given each a preliminary grade. 同时,俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的这段时期就相比于加州比较容易的度过了。回到东部,纽约就成功的解决了雨水和湿度的问题。