- He pried the box open with a screwdriver. 他用螺丝起子将箱子撬开。
- The front gate was blasted open with a cannon. 前门被大炮轰开了。
- Prop the door open with a brick. 用砖块撑门使其开著。
- I eased the drawer open with a knife. 我用刀子小心地把抽屉撬开。
- Prop the gate open with a brick. 用一块砖支着大门让它开着。
- His shirt gapes open with a button missing. 他的衬衫因丢了一颗纽扣而敞开着。
- The evening ended with a grand finale of fireworks and music. 晚会在烟花和音乐声中隆重收场了。
- The door opened with a heavy clang. 门当啷一声打开了。
- The window has been prized open with a jimmy. 窗户被铁撬撬开了。
- To burst open with a short,sharp,explosive sound. 砰的一声爆开伴随短促、尖利的爆炸声炸开
- To raise,move,or force open with a lever. 撬动用一根杠杆举起、移动或打开
- He ripped the letter open with a knife. 他用刀子一下子把信裁开了。
- He jammed the door open with a piece of wood. 他用一块木头卡住门让它开着。
- They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet. 他们举行盛大宴会庆祝胜利。
- The steel door swung open with a clang. 铁门喳的打开了。
- To raise, move, or force open with a lever. 撬动用一根杠杆举起、移动或打开
- Robert Parker says this wine is comparable with a Grand Cru Classe. 酒评人派克指出,此酒可媲美特级酒。
- They prop up the gate open with a brick. 他们用砖挡住门,防止门被关上。
- Celebrated 60th Founder's Day with a grand dinner with 1730 guests. 培群庆祝60周年校庆,出席晚宴的嘉宾有1730位。
- Cleave a man's head open with a sword. 用剑劈开人头。