- Your Venus sign ruler is known to value justice and fairness. 广为人知,你的主宰星(金星)相当重视公平公正。
- Fifthly, administrative activities should comply with justice and fairness. 第五,行政行为要符合正义和公正;
- Its essential connotation is justice and fairness, democracy and freedom, benevolence and harmony, and humanism. 其基本内涵为公平正义,民主自由,仁爱和谐,人本共享。
- The paper also pints out that China must strengthen its democratic rights and improve the supervisory system for legal enforcement in order to realize social justice and fairness. 同时,指出当前我国必须加强民主权利的保障和法律实施的监督制度建设,从而实现社会公平和公正。
- Procedural justice and fairness are crucial to democracy-they undergird healthy party competition and help ensure citizens' faith in a democratic system. 由于民主政治讲求的是程序的公平与正当性,程序的公平与正当对于政党竞争有良性影响,更让民众对民主体制更具信心。
- The goal which the new rural reconstruction should achieve to be the economy development, in politics lasting stable, the culture prospered day by day, social justice and fair. 明确了新农村建设应该达到的目标应是经济上富足安康,政治上持久稳定,文化上日益繁荣,社会公平公正。
- When there is a conflict for interests between different shareholders, legislators usually pay more attention to the interests of minority shareholder, for the consideration of justice and fairness. 保护股东利益并不仅仅局限在保护股东的整体利益,在股东利益冲突的情况下,各国立法者通常出于对正义与公平的考虑,对于保护小股东的利益给予更多关注。
- It is the order of bringing order out of chaos in education, social justice and fair order for the reconstruction, the college entrance examination system is a reflection of basic fairness. 它是对教育秩序拨乱反正,对社会公平公正秩序的重建,高考制度体现了起码的公平。
- Meanwhile, the five colors was endowed with modern meanings --red stands for democracy, yellow for human right, blue for freedom, white for federalism, and black for justice and fairness. 同时赋予五色新时代的含义:红色代表民主,黄色代表人权,蓝色代表自由,白色代表联邦,黑色代表公义。
- Now the auction, more open, just and fair. 现在实行拍卖,更加公开、公正、公平了。”
- Banlancing justice with mercy and fairness with commonsense. 以仁慈评判正义,以常理评判公正。
- We know what fairness and justice and opportunity look like. 我们知道公平和正义和机会应该是什么样子。
- Principle of Justice and Fairness 公平正义原则
- Balancing justice with mercy and fairness with commonsense. 以仁慈评判正义,以常理评判公正。
- Justice:Just right and fair to treat everone and yourself...... 好好做好自己,做你应份既事,,做正确的事,就系正义
- Judges administer justice and punishment. 法官执行审判和量刑。
- Something that is just, impartial, and fair. 公正的事物公平、不偏袒、公正的事物
- Judges administer justice and punishment . 法官执行审判和量刑。
- Our economy thrives on openness, diversification and fair competition. 我们的蓬勃经济发展有赖开放、多元化及公平竞争。
- Is it valiance and militancy or justice and peace? 国歌的品性究竟是应该“激昂尚武”还是应该“中正平和”?