- optical sound film projector 光学还音放映机
- This will be a presentation of a film camera. 这将是申办陈述片中的一个镜头。
- optical sound film 光声胶片
- Hopefully make one as reasonably priced as a film camera. 希望能和胶片机在同一价格层次上。
- How can Tokina 12-24 work on film camera? pls help... 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- Sound Gate: The gate used in an optical sound head, instead of a sound drum, to keep the film sound track precisely aligned on the scanning beam slit during sound reproduction. 声门:光学声音头上用的片门,代替声鼓,使得胶片的声轨在声音重现过程中正好和扫描狭缝光束精确地排列成一直线。
- A television camera does not look at a scene as a whole in the same way as a film camera instead,it scans the scene. 电视摄像机不像电影摄影机那样把一个镜头看成一幅完整的画面。相反,它扫描画面。
- A television camera does not look at a scene as a whole in the same way as a film camera instead, it scans the scene. 电视摄像机不像电影摄影机那样把一个镜头看成一幅完整的画面。相反,它扫描画面。
- The sound film seasonable and lived along with the technical development and audience's need. 有声电影随着技术的发展和观众的需要应时而生了。
- The movie was shot on a 16mm film camera which gives the film a grittier yet intimate feel. 此外,在摄影技巧上,本片采用16厘米的胶片进行拍摄,营造出一种粗糙却又亲切的感觉。
- Sound Head: The optical sound reproducer mounted beneath the projector head but above the take-up reel support arm or magazine. 声头、音头:安装在放映机头下、卷轴支撑臂或片匣上面的光学声音重现装置。
- Go to find a used Canon 540ez, price is around HKD900, can use A-TTL on EOS film camera. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- This payment until 20 years specializing in the production of speaker accessories - Shielded, vibration plate, the sound film, ASSY experience. 讫今为止已有20年专业生产扬声器配件--防尘盖、振动板、音膜、ASSY的经验。
- In 2000 to open branch in China, Huizhou is the dust cover, vibration plate, the sound film, ASSY set the development, production, sales. 于2000年在中国惠州开设分厂,是防尘盖、振动板、音膜、ASSY集开发、生产、销售为一体。
- Carl Zeiss Jena, Germany-specialized enterprises, is to create photographs and film camera one of the world-class enterprises. 卡尔蔡司,德国镜头专门企业,且是制造照片和胶片镜头的世界级企业之一。
- Some of these variables will represent a continuous range of behavior (for instance, from a computer novice to a computer expert), and a few will represent multiple discrete choices (for example, uses a digital camera versus uses a film camera). 有些变量可能会代表一个连续范围内的行为(比如从计算机新手到老手),有些变量可能会代表一些多个离散的选择(比如使用数码相机和使用胶卷相机)。
- Some ahd ugly voices and others just couldn't act in the more natural sound films! 有些人嗓音太糟,另一些人在更为自然的有声电影中就是不会演戏!
- Projection Speed: The rate at which the film moves through the projector; twenty-four frames per second is the standard for all sound films. 放映速度:电影胶片通过放映机的速度;有声影片的标准速度为每秒24格影像。
- In this paper we give a brief introduction of the new digital aerial camera DMC and UCX,and compare them with the traditional film camera in the application in optimizing transmission line design. 简单介绍新型的数码航摄相机DMC、UCX,并与传统的胶片式相机作比较,分析对比它们在优化输电线路设计的应用。
- Oscar receipt Ray Feeney says Hollywood is undergoing a change as a * the shape from silent to sound films, or from black and white to color. 只是还是学不会装腔作势。我要满足你的所有高尚。不需要布阵。从小在一起,很多很多年的不相见。