- And optimum selection of crude types to meet market requirements by blending is necessary. 因此,必须选择适当的馏分油,用调合法使它满足市场的要求。
- The results confirm that PCMO formulated with hydrogenated base oil as an optimum selection can meet requirements of the newest specification. 结果证明,由加氢油调制的PCMO能满足最新规格的各项要求,加氢油是基础油中的最佳选择。
- How to select indices to measure financial risks? 如何选择度量金融风险的指标?
- So it has great significancy to realize parameters optimum selection, reduce the requisition for operator, improve quality of spot welding. 所以实现点焊规范参数选择优化、降低对操作者的要求、提高点焊质量,具有重要意义。
- Set up the math model for optimum selection on the design of power supply in coalmine,and illustrated advantages of it by example. 建立了煤矿供电方案选择的数学模型。通过实例说明了人工神经网络应用于煤矿供电设计方案选择的优越性。
- Several problems associated with selection strategies of breeder rams are discus sed using the general selection index. 摘要 本文应用通用选择指数原理探讨了有关种公羊选种决策的几个问题。
- Adopting thyristor Regulation voltage technique is the optimum selection to temperature control for electron beam smelting furnace that takes the transformer as the burden. 对以变压器为负荷的电子束熔炼炉温度控制采用晶闸管调压技术是最佳选择。分析了该方案在实施过程中的几个技术难题,给出了相应的解决措施。
- By using the orthogonal experimental design,the author makes optimum selection on preparation of jian li fang,obtains qualified,steady and in accordance with research objects. 用正交试验设计对中药"健力方"的制备工艺进行优选,得到质量可靠、稳定、符合试验研究目的任务的最佳配方。
- With DUC 2004 as the test corpus, the ROUGE value of summaries gotten by sentences selection proves the necessity of sentences optimum selection for multi-document summarization. 第2阶段逐步删除句子,分别以不同特征项作为衡量句子对候选文摘句子集合的贡献,提出了文摘句优选算法。
- The formula of selection index and mating combination were mainly made by two characters, daily gain and backfat, and inbreeding coefficient of offsprings, respectively. 其选择指数公式的确立主要依据日增重,背膘厚这两个主选性状,选配计划的制订主要根据后代近交系数。
- Habitat selection of Chinese white dolphins (Sousa chinensis) inhabiting the Xiamen Bay was analyzed by using finding frequency, x~2-test, and habitat selection index. 通过发现频次、卡方检验和栖息地选择指数等方法对厦门中华白海豚的栖息地选择进行了研究。
- The select index was constituted by No. of peds of per plant, basic stem diameter, weight of per 100 seeds and No. of seeds of per pod. 由株荚数、基茎粗、百粒重和荚粒数构成的选择指数对丰产性的选择十分有效。
- Optimum selection of the technological parameters of plasma spraying and field tests show that spraying COWC35 wear-resistant coating on the surface ofdrawworks brake drum is preferable. 等离子喷涂工艺参数的优选和试验研究的初步结果表明,在绞车刹车鼓表面喷涂CoWC35耐磨硬质合金涂层的工艺是可行的。
- The DRI production is necessary for the continued development of the Iron and Steel Complex is pointed out and the united process combining the BF, the direct reduction furnace with the coke oven is the optimum selection. 指出 ,钢铁联合企业的可持续发展需要直接还原铁 ,高炉、直接还原炉、焦炉联合流程是其生产直接还原铁的最佳工艺选择。
- Finally, the selective index system was made with DELPHI by virtue of its RAD environment. 最后,利用DELPHI语言,借助其快速的集成开发环境,开发出了信息化指标查询系统。
- Attention is paid to the theoretical research, the talent selection index system and the formation of the basic children completive training network with the support of the social forces. 注重选材理论的研究,建立和完善选材指标体系;发挥社会力量,形成基层少儿竞训网络。
- In view of the fuzzyness of mining system,a fuzzy optimum selecting method of beneficiationscheme is proposed which wses multi-purpose fuzzy optimum selecting model. 针对矿业系统中的模糊性,应用多目标模糊优选模型,提出了选矿方案的模糊优选方法。
- The researches about the classification and identification of their species and varieties have provided an early, subservient and selective index for breeding work. 其种间或品种间的分类鉴定和亲缘关系的研究为育种工作提供了一个早期的、辅助的、选择性的指标。
- Each obesity selecting index obtains its own characteristics.WLI is most related to weight, but it also highly related to height. 三种肥胖筛检指标各有其特色,重高指数与体重有最大的相关,但却也与身高有很高的相关;
- In selecting those characters by selection index, the efficiency of selection is dir-ectly proportional to the number of charactrs selected. 利用选择指数进行选择,选择效率有随参加选择性状数的增加而提高的趋势。