- Contains an otolith, the astericus or lagenolith. 包含一个耳石,星石或微石。
- Otolith are found from many small crystalline otoconia. 听石由许多小结晶的耳石形成。
- The ear structure in fish, known as an otolith, is made up of minerals. 鱼身上的耳结构被称为耳石,是由矿物构成的。
- This drawing shows the ear of the blue gourami. The ear has three otolithic organs and three semicircular canals. 该图是蓝吻口鱼的内耳结构,它由三个内耳器官和三个半圆形凹槽构成。
- The otolith diameter of larva starvation group that could also be continual deposition under stagnated of body length. 饥饿组仔鱼在体长生长停止的情况下耳石仍能继续沉积。
- Age of Schizothorax waltoni Regan(1) Otolith could be used for aging the fish efficiently. 拉萨裂腹鱼的年龄
- Abstract: Studies of otolith are the basic of research on growth and early life history of fishes. 摘 要: 鱼类耳石研究是鱼类生长和早期生活史研究的基础。
- The number of daily rings in otolith of DD and LL groups 1-2 more than contrast, respectively. DD组、LL组耳石日轮数通常比对照组多1-2个。
- Wild, A. 1986.Growth of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the eastern Pacific Ocean based on otolith increments. 王胜平.;1999
- This differential movement between the sensory cells and the otolith is interpreted as sound. 这个差异反应动作过程就是声音。
- Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally. 耳小囊形成于半规管背面与耳石器官腹面且在第五后脑特殊节状结构后面的一个上皮囊。
- In addition to such physiological factor, otolith microchemistry was affected mostly by ambient concentration rather than salinity and temperature. 另外,影响耳石微化学变化的众多环境因子中,以水体元素浓度的影响最为明显,其次为盐度及温度。
- Otolith acts as biological archives providing the basis for the reconstruction of individual life traits and environmental parameters. 耳石可作为鱼类的生物学记录者并为重建其生活特征和环境参数提供依据。
- The long diameter of wild T. albonubes otolith was linearly correlated with body length, and power-functionally correlated with body mass. 自然种群唐鱼的耳石长径与体长呈显著的线性关系,与体质量呈显著的幂函数关系。
- Contains the lapillus or utriculith otolith, usually the smallest, in Teleostei and minute particles of calcium carbonate called otoconia in endolymph in Elasmobranchii. 包含微石或耳石,通常最小的,在真骨鱼类是碳酸钙的细小粒子叫做耳微粒在板鳃亚纲的内淋巴液。也被称为小囊。
- Secor, D.H., J.M.Dean, and E.H.Laban. 1991.Manual for otolith removal and preparation for microstructural examination.Electric Power Research Institute and the Belle W. 陈之婕.;2004
- The number of daily rings in otolith which about 90%individuals of starvation group was less 20%than control, however, daily rings in otolith 10%individuala was no obvious. 饥饿组约90%25的个体日轮数比对照组少20%25,约10%25的个体耳石日轮不明显。
- Effects of starvation and photoperiod on the otolith deposition and increments formation were observed in the larval big head incubated from fertilized eggs of same a femal fish. 用同1尾雌鱼催产孵出的鳙鱼仔鱼进行了饥饿、光照对耳石沉积和日轮形成影响的实验研究。
- The assumption is that if you tweak them in a certain way it's going to change the dynamics of how the otolith helps the fish stay upright, navigate and survive. 因此我们认为,如果硬把它们的身体结构以某种方式进行扭曲,就会改变耳石的动力作用,无法正常帮助这种鱼保持身体竖直,无法为其正确导航,进而影响其生存。”
- Buddha Mei Yujian Baihao inlay decoration of the size of diamonds, pearls, amber, coral, pine otolith more than 1,400 stars, the decoration of other more valuable. 佛像眉宇间白 毫镶饰的大小钻石、珍珠、琥珀、珊瑚、松耳石1400多颗,其它珍贵装饰为数更多。