- I wonder if two crates of cabbage are enough. 我不知道两箱包心菜够不够?
- The smell of cabbage reminds me of school. 卷心菜的气味使我想起了学校。
- I wonder if two crates of cabbage was enough. 我不知道两箱包心菜够不够?
- I wonder if two crates of cabbage are enough . 我不知道两箱包心菜够不够?
- I wonder if two crates of cabbage is enough. 我不知道两箱包心菜够不够?
- I have decided to take a lot of cabbage in vinegar. 我决定带上许多醋泡白菜。
- I wonder if two crate of cabbage is enough. 我不知道两箱包心菜够不够?
- This dish is made from the tops of cabbage. 这个菜是用卷心菜的顶心做成的。
- POD isoenzyme of Cabbage are analyzed by using PAGE. POD 同工酶凝胶电泳结果显示。
- The leaves that form a head of cabbage can be purple, red or green. 形成卷心菜头的叶子可能是紫色的,红色的或是绿色的。
- We eat a lot of cabbages in winter. 冬天我们吃大量的白菜。
- The cabbage series work has already canned not told some trace of cabbage. 白菜系列作品已经看不出一点白菜的痕迹。
- There are dozens of cabbages stored in winter. 地窖里有几十斤冬贮大白菜。
- Also sells seeds, we planted a large number of cabbage, and cabbage. 还销售种子,我们这栽种有大量的甘蓝和白菜。
- Each family stores a large amount of cabbage for the winter every year. 每年冬天,家家户户都会囤积大量的大白菜以备过冬。
- The sitting room was a kind of Victorian fantasy, full of cabbage roses, fringe, and tassels. 客厅极力体现着维多利亚时代的风格,饰满了蔷薇、镶边和流苏。
- The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water which smelt worse than ever of cabbage. 厨房的水池满是脏兮兮的绿水,几乎漾到了池外,那味道比白菜还难闻。
- The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. 面包皮面包的表面区域的硬皮
- The doctor advised me to eat a lot of cabbage because it contains very high levels of antioxidant compounds. 医生建议我多吃卷心菜,因为它富含抗氧化物质。
- An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉