- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- The girl's hands were chapped by the cold. 那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。
- The boy was enfeebled by the cold. 那个男孩因感冒而虚弱无力。
- The cold weather antedate ed their departure. 寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。
- Her natural resilience helped her overcome the crisis. 她生性乐观有助於她渡过难关。
- They scurried in out of the cold. 他们冻得很快跑进来了。
- The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard. 从贝加尔湖吹来的冷风在呼啸。
- All this prompted us to think out various ways to overcome the difficulties. 这一切都促使我们想出各种办法来克服困难。
- My fingers tingled with the cold. 我的手指冻得又僵又痛。
- The pond (was) iced over during the cold spell. 寒流期间池塘都封冻了。
- He fought off the cold by taking aspirin. 他服阿斯匹林来治疗感冒。
- This will go a long way to overcome the difficulty. 这将大有助于克服困难。
- We can overcome the difficulties by working hard. 努力工作才能克服困难。
- The cold wind nipped at her face. 刺骨的寒风吹在她的脸上。
- That was how they overcome the difficulty. 那就是他们怎样克服困难的方法。
- He has determined how to overcome the difficulties. 他已下决心如何来克服这些困难。
- He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty. 他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。
- The cold has decreased in severity. 冷空气已经大大减弱。
- Lacked the will to overcome the addiction. 缺乏戒除毒瘾的自制力
- You should overcome the difficulty. 你应该克服困难。