- Basics of carbonate sequence stratigraphy are outlined. 概述碳酸岩层序地层学基础。
- Professional papers of petroleum stratigraphy and palaeontology II. 石油地层古生物会议论文集2。
- Sedimentation Models and Quantitative Stratigraphy II. 沉积模型和定量地层学2。
- Stratigraphy studies the sequence of the rocks in the earth's crust. 地层学研究地壳中岩石的层序。
- From the view of stratigraphy, they all belong to the Cretaceous period. 从地层学上看,它们都属于白垩纪。
- Their main effort is directed to stratigraphy and structure of outcrops. 他们的主要精力放在研究天然露头的地层情况与构造上。
- Late Quaternary stratigraphy and evolution of the Changjiang Delta, China. 晚第四纪古河口湾的发育及有关的资源环境问题。
- From the view of stratigraphy, they all belong to the Cretaceous period . 从地层学上看,它们都属于白垩纪。
- Stratigraphy is one of the basic subjects of most significance in geology. 地层学是地质学的一门重要的基础学科。
- Seismic stratigraphy is the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data. 地震地层学是按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。
- Coal geology emphatically studies always stratigraphy and sedimentology of coal and coal-bearing strata. 煤地质学一直偏重于对煤和含煤地层的地层学和沉积学的研究。
- Seismic stratigraphy-the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data. 地震地层学--按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。
- The second dating method was palaeo-magnetic analysis, or magnetic polarity stratigraphy. 第二种测定法是古磁学分析法,也叫磁极地层学测定法。
- Climate and tectonics are the two key controls for the formation of the stratigraphy of a rift basin. 气候和构造是裂谷盆地地层形成的两个重要控制因素。
- The sequence stratigraphy of fluvial systems is considered within the framework of basin type and evolution. 就盆地类型和进化讨论河成体系的层序地层。
- Research on brachiopod fauna and stratigraphy of the late paleozoic in north China platform II. 华北地台晚古生代腕足动物群及其地层研究2。
- The use of mechanical stratigraphy to choose between different structural models is discussed. 讨论利用机械地层学选择不同的构造型式。
- Quantitative simulation of stratigraphy in a basin is an important component of sedimentary basins modelling. 地层定量模拟是沉积盆地模拟的重要组成部分。
- Early Man and Pleistocene Stratigraphy in Southern and Eastern Asia by Hallam L, Movins Jr. 亚洲东南化石人及更新统地层莫维士著
- Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon distribution of the Eogene in the eastern slope of Chengdao area. 埕岛东斜坡下第三系层序地层与油气分布规律