- Stock issued in excess of paid - in capital. 虚股超过收入资本而发行的股本。
- Fill in your answer in capital letter, not small letter. 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。
- In this dictionary cross-references are shown in capital letters. 本词典中相互参照的词用大写字母表示。
- Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters. 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。
- Write your name in capital letters please. 请用大写字母书写你的名字。
- Write your initials in capitals. 把你名字的第一个字母写成大写。
- It would also inject up to Y700 bn in capital. 三菱东京拒绝披露其拟定的合并比例,称在完成对日联的尽职调查前披露是不谨慎的。
- Analyzing stock investments in capital market. 分析资本市场上的股票投资。
- To write or print in capital letters. 用大写字母来书写或印刷
- ALL of EVT Coding must be done in capital letters. 全部EVT代码都要使用大写字母!!
- Telegrams are usually typed out entirely in capital letters. 电报全文通常都大写字母打出。
- I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate. 我并非真正主张应该有死刑,只是故意唱唱反调罢了。
- Write your name and address in block letter or in capital letter. 用大写字母书写你的姓名及地址。
- The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism. 周期经济危机是资本主义制度所固有的。
- The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture. 那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的名字。
- In this dictionary cross-references shows in capital letters. 本词典中相互参照的词用大写字母表示。
- Please write down your name and address clearly in capital letters. 本句中BIG一词用的是大写字母。
- The girl was taken to a hospital in capital of the Comoros, Moroni. 随后女孩被送往科摩罗首都莫罗尼的一家医院。
- Please print your name and address clearly in capital letter. 请用大写字母写下你的名字和地址。
- In this sentence,the word BIG is in capitals. 本句中BIG一字用的是大写字母.