- A new training method was introduced. 引进了一种新的训练方法。
- They must have had a very special training method. 她们也应该有什麼特殊的训练方法吧。
- If with exercises of a systematic and scientific training method. 如果采用系统而科学的训练方法。
- Objective To explore the clinical training method for new nurses in CCU. 目的总结CCU新护士临床培训方法。
- I'd like to attribute my victory to my excellent coach and his scientific training method and my efforts. 我认为此次获胜归功于我的教练及他的科学的训练方法和我的努力。
- I'm sure if with exercises of a systematic and scientific training method,she will win the next Olympics. 如能辅以既系统又科学的训练方法,我敢肯定她能在下次奥运会上夺冠。
- Meanwhile, the paper also describes the prosody cost function and corresponding training method for the parameters. 其中,本文还仔细阐述了韵律代价函数的构造,及其参数的自动训练算法。
- Essential training methods for NEW Chinese employees. 针对新中国雇员的必备培训办法。
- Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless. 日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。
- Wushu was originally a military training method, bearing a close relationship with ancient combats. 武术最初作为军事训练手段,与古代军事斗争紧密相连,其技击的特性是显而易见的。
- Training method of Physical Fitness is dazzling, but long-term training is easy to cause the player to feel insipidly. 长时期的训练,运动员容易身心俱疲。
- This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. 这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法。
- At last makesexperimental design, research and draws a conclusion based upon biofeedback relaxing training method. 论文最后对基于生物反馈的放松训练方法进行了实验设计与研究,并给出实验结果。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- His parents trained him to be a leader of society from his childhood. 他父母从小训练他成为上流社会的顶尖人物。
- Now the strength training is regarded as a very important training method, so we will arrange 2 halls for strength training. 现在,力量训练被视为一种很重要的训练手段,因此我们安排了两个力量训练馆。
- The essay analysis the importance and training method of hear notes in four part harmony in solfege and the relation to hear discriminate in harmony. 本文就视唱练耳课练耳教学环节中四部和声听记的重要性和训练方式与和声学中和声听辨的关系,进行了探索性的分析与思考。
- NCTC bring in to the most advanced training method and system, dedicate to the improving of the occupational skills and competency! 新资本培训在全球范围内,引进国际最先进的培训理念和培训方法,致力于职业人士的素质和能力提升!
- And the bare-foot training method is only suitable to those who have received at least four years of tensive training under Yang's guidance. 据杨介绍,这是先辈拳师发明的,夏练三伏,冬练三九苦功的一部分,符合天人合一中国传统医学原理。
- Being a parent can be hard work. 当父母可是件辛苦的事。