- The ancient style of classical tragedy. 古悲剧体古典悲剧的古老体例
- Now,we can see a huge and beautiful archway built in ancient style. 现在我们可以看到一座具有古代建筑风格的漂亮的大拱门。
- Gansu was named after ancient Ganzhou and Suzhou with the first two characters. 甘肃以古甘州、肃州两地首字而得名。
- Some lanterns are patterned after palace style lamps of bygone dynasties. 还有一些彩灯延袭了古时各朝各代宫灯的样式。
- These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine. 古色古香的仿古家具,简直可以乱真。
- This jacket of mine is patterned after his. 我这件上衣是仿照他的那件做的。
- Now, we can see a huge and beautiful archway built in ancient style. 现在我们可以看到一座具有古代建筑风格的漂亮的大拱门。
- The psychological intervention pattern after crisis event included review,understanding ,introspection and guide. 危机事件后的心理干预模式为 :回顾、理解、反思和引导 ;
- Buddha inflated the light earth dream creating pattern after pattern to foster his evolution to the fourth dimension. 佛陀膨胀了光明地球梦想,制造了一个又一个模式来培育去往第四密度的进化。
- All pups are blue and blue/red sables taking the sabling pattern after their Dad, Barkley. 所有的幼崽是蓝色和蓝红色,象他们爸爸巴克利的迷人的紫貂色,。
- The building was patterned after the design used in that city. 这座楼是仿造在那个城市里用过的图纸而建成的。
- During the Song Dynasty, the antithetic verse resumed booming, while the ancient style prose declined comparatively. 摘要古文、骈文并行的状况,至南宋时期,发生了彼消此长的变化。
- It is classically presented with continuous urinary incontinence, but a normal voiding pattern after successful toilet training. 它的典型表徵是有正常排尿型态但却持续的尿失禁。
- They hang a bed-curtain in front of their bed, making their wedding room in the ancient style. 他们把结婚的新房布置成了古式的,床前挂了床帐。
- Today, producers are fusing Norovbanzad's ancient style of music with a distinctly modern genre; electronica. 现在,制作者把诺日布帮斯勒的传统音乐风格与显著的现代风格结合起来。
- THE REEMERGENCE of a distinctive DNA methylation pattern after drugs wipe it clean strangely echoes the reprogramming of an embryo's imprinting marks shortly after conception. 在药物进行了清除作用之后,又会重新出现特定DNA甲基化的模式,与受孕后不久,胚胎铭印标签的程式重设,具有奇特的呼应。
- Although has experienced the vicissitudes of life, but still maintained the original ancient style. 虽然历经风雨沧桑,却仍然保持着古的原始风貌。
- Intersubjective thinking is a new thinking pattern after the primitive thinking pattern, the objective thinking pattern and the subjective thinking pattern. 交互主体性思维是继原始思维、客体性思维与主体性思维之后的又一新的思维形态。
- The exhibition hall of ancient style is the main architecture of the Museum, being used for exhibiting over200 mini imitative ancient shipping. 展览厅是博物馆的主体建筑,用于陈列200多个微缩仿真古船,采用仿古建筑。
- The BBT also revealed better ovulation pattern after treatment (P<0.05).Pregnancy rate was 57.5% after treatment.The combined improvement for all parameters is 82.5 %. 结果:本法有效地改善患者临床的症状,与治疗前后症状比较有显著性差异(P<0.;01),基础体温改善有差异(P<0