- He may be adjusted to pay damages. 他被判决赔偿损失。
- The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about him. 报馆被勒令付给那位电影明星一笔赔偿金,因为该报刊载的一篇有关他的报导是失实的。
- Where the lessee subleases the lease item, the leasing contract between the lessee and the lessor remains valid, and if the third person causes damage to the lease item, the lessee shall pay damages. 承租人转租的,承租人与出租人之间的租赁合同继续有效,第三人对租赁物造成损失的,承租人应当赔偿损失。
- First requests the deposit insurance establishment lowly to pay damages the quota! 首先要求存款保险设置较低的赔付限额!
- Where the agent acted beyond the scope of authorization, thereby causing loss to the principal, it shall pay damages. 受托人超越权限给委托人造成损失的,应当赔偿损失。
- Professional writers who plagiarise plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. 专业抄袭的作者可以被带上法庭,并且要求赔偿伤害。
- If economic losses are caused to the party involved, the wrongdoer shall be liable to pay damages according to law. 造成当事人经济损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- Professional writers who plegirize plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. 有剽窃行为的专业作家,可以被告上民事法庭并被要求赔偿损失。
- Where the laborer breaches the non-competition clauses, the laborer shall pay damages to the Unit as agreed. 劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。
- The culprit under the preceding paragraphs shall also pay damages to the victim(s) suffering great loss(es) thereunder. 受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人并应当赔偿损失。
- If the laborer breaches the non-competition provisions, he shall pay damages to the Unit as stipulated. 劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。
- Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to se civil court and ordered to pay damages. 从事剽窃的专业作家会被起诉到民事法院并被判赔偿损失。
- Professional writers who pleasurize plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. 有抄袭行为的职业作家可能被起诉至地方法院并要求赔偿损失。
- If the laborer breaches the agreement on the term of service, he shall pay damages to the Unit as agreed. 劳动者违反服务期约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。
- Professional writers who play to rise plagiarize can to be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. 有剽窃行为的专业作家会被带上民事法庭,要求赔付赔偿金。
- Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to several civil court and damaged, in schoolordered to pay damages. 剽窃的专业作家会被带到民事法庭和被指定去负责损失。
- Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to serve civil court and ordered to pay damages. 一个剽窃的职业作家会被带到民事法庭,并且命令他赔偿损失。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。