- Pay respects to Concentration Camp piously. 虔诚瞻仰集中营。
- Is it not advocated to pay respect to nowadays? 第七句:现在不是提倡尊重传统吗?
- We will go pay respect to Queen Dowager. 咱们向皇太后请安去。”
- Little Child pays respect to Father Monsignor. 孺子给父亲大人请安。
- Zhezhu paid respect to the teacher. Zhezhu对教师很尊敬。
- We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader . 我们必须关心一般读者的需要。
- We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader. 我们必须关心一般读者的需要。
- The leaders should pay respect to the needs of the people. 领导应该关心人民的疾苦。
- Usually people don't pay respect to those who are too compliant. 一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。
- Please pay my respects to your mother. 请代我向伯母致意。
- Lu Xun, Shen Cong-wen, Zhao Shu-li: Why do They Pay Respect to Rural China? 鲁迅、沈从文、赵树理:为什么关注乡村?
- They sweep the graveyard, offer sacrifices, and burn spirit money to pay respects to their forebears. 他们清扫墓地、献上祭品、焚烧纸钱,以表达对先人的敬意。
- In China, it is a traditional custom to pay respects to ancestors on Qingming Festival. 在清明祭拜祖先是中国的传统习俗。
- Many would pay respects to Robin Cook for his resignation in protest over Britain's involvement in Iraq. 坚守信念,反对入侵伊拉克。
- All Heavenly beings pay respects to, protect, pay offering to this Stupa day and night when it rises to the Heaven. 高至阿迦尼吒天宫之中。塔所串峙一切诸天。昼夜瞻仰守卫供养。
- The Tomb-Sweeping Day is a time to pay respects to one's ancestors and to tidy their gravesite. 清明节是对祖先追思及清扫他们墓园的时刻。
- Castle life may be different from that in a city, but the need to pay respects to God is no different for those stationed in such an outpost. 城堡戍卫生涯也许与城邑生活颇有不同,但对天主信仰却并无二致。
- Willie's Notes: Of course Jackie will go to pay respects to this French veteran actress, who the French consider as A treasure of the movies for 35 years! 威廉笔记:成龙当然会对这位资深的演员,法国人眼中的35年来电影界的珍宝,一表敬意。
- They came to pay their last respects to the late chairman. 他们来向已故主席凭吊告别。
- Give my respects to your parents. 代我向你的父母亲致意。