- You can deal safely with them,they are perfectly straight . 你和他们相处没问题,他们相当坦率。
- You can deal safely with them.They are perfectly straight. 你和他们相处没问题,他们相当坦率。
- You can deal safely with them . they are perfectly straight . 你和他们相处没问题,他们相当坦率。
- These perfectly straight pillars represent classical beauty. 这些直溜的柱子体现着古典之美。
- The astronomer told her with a perfectly straight face that the moon was inhabited; and she didn't even know he was putting her on. 那位天文学家一本正经地告诉她,说月球上有人居住,她还不知道他在捉弄她呢。
- Today it's relatively rare for someone to have perfectly straight teeth (without having been to the orthodontist). 工具的使用无疑能够帮助早期人类捕杀并食用猎物。但有证据显示,烹调以及使用刀叉等餐具的进步使人类的牙齿逐渐变得弯曲不整齐并使人的面部变小。
- To simplify the fracture problem, past research works used to idealize a crack as a perfectly straight slit. 以往研究为了简化问题,多将结构之裂纹理想化成为一平直之直线裂纹。
- The astronomer told her with a perfectly straight face that the moon was inhabited; and she did not even know he was putting her on. 那位天文学家一本正经地告诉她,说月球上有人居住,她还不知道他在捉弄她呢。
- Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments. 就算是在开直路,也必须时不时的大力向右打方向盘。
- Let's get one thing perfectly straight: If you want one of the hottest looks this season you have to get perfectly straight. Hair, that is. 直说吧!如果你想拥有本季最热的造型,那就应该打造一头直髮!
- Very broad, perfectly straight as far as the haunches, from there gently sloping to the rump, and merging imperceptibly into the root of the tail. 非常宽,到腰部为止都非常直,臀部略斜,与非常轻微的尾根结合。
- Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessaty to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few seconds. 即使是驾车在笔直的道路上行驶,也很有必要每过几分钟就用力的将方向盘从左向右转动。
- Legs seen from front and side, perfectly straight and parallel to each other from elbow to pastern;muscled and sinewy, with heavy bone. 前肢从肘部到脚腕,不论从正面或侧面看都是完美的笔直、彼此平行且有力,骨量充足。
- Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few seconds. 即使是驾车在笔直的道路上行驶,也很有必要每过几分钟就用力地将方向盘从左向右转动。
- LL:Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didn't get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesn't line up. 偶也对文墙纸一窍不通.;不过,文之前好象总得把墙纸弄直了
- Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didn't get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesn't line up. 我也对贴墙纸一窍不通耶。不过啊,贴之前你好像总得把墙纸弄直了。否则,墙纸的花样怎麽对得起来呢!
- Moreover, sardines in a can are all laid out perfectly straight, while these passengers were coiled and twisted and bent at the waist and knee into designated geometric angles. 罐装的沙丁鱼条条挺直,这些乘客都蜷曲波折,腰跟腿弯成几何学上有名目的角度。
- A wannabe model can be tall, with a perfectly symmetrical face, beautiful skin, lovely eyes, and perfectly straight white teeth, and still be considered unattractive. 想当模特儿的人即使身材够高,脸蛋完美对称,皮肤漂亮眼睛迷人而且牙齿整齐洁白,还是会被认为缺乏魅力。
- It's like beauty.A wannabe model can be tall, with a perfectly symmetrical face, beautiful skin, lovely eyes, and perfectly straight white teeth, and still be considered unattractive. 就像是美女/美男,应当符合一些基本条件:具备高的身高、有张完美对称的脸、漂亮的皮肤、迷人的眼睛、还有相当白晰的牙齿,但依然有可能被认为不是美女/美男。
- I remember looking it over and thinking it was a forest of graves.But the rows were like this, dizzying, diagonal, perfectly straight, so after all it wasn't a forest but an orchard of graves. 但那个景象看起来令人晕眩,墓碑整齐地排列成一条条斜线,而且每一个都垂直矗立于地面,所以我现在觉得那比较像是一座人工果园而不是森林。