- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言为心声。
- It is a bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在公众前剔牙是一种不良习惯。
- It is bad form to pick one's teeth in public . 公开剔牙很失礼。
- It is bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在大庭广众中剔牙是不雅的。
- Trucks, and pick one of their own! 挑一个自己顺眼的吧。
- Pick one to proceed with your search. 请选择其中一个以继续进行搜索。
- Mary' s words have the stamp of truth. 玛丽的话具有真实性。
- OA: Pick one and quit whining, maybe? 也许,你该停止抱怨然后选一样?
- It's a bad habit to pick one's teeth. 剔牙是坏习惯。
- Bass’s words had a soothing effect. 贝斯的话有安慰的作用。
- It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public. 在公共场合剔牙很失礼。
- OA:Pick one and quit whining,maybe? 也许,你该停止抱怨然后选一样?
- Don't take an ISP's word on its performance. 不要轻信isp有关性能的话。
- Play it safe - pick one partner. 还是小心谨慎,选择一个吧。
- Congrats!I gotta pick one up too.Keep it up! 不过说来惭愧;我只有聼过你一首歌...
- Mr Gradgrind was quite unprepared for his daughter’s words. 格雷因对女儿的这番话是完全没有思想准备的。
- In a word she is the “specimen”(p 270), in Ralph’s words. 总之,她是“标本” (第270 ) ,在拉尔夫的话。
- If that’s you, pick one day a week, perhaps, to do all of your most inane tasks. 如果你属于这类人,那么可能的话,就每星期找一天来做所有最无聊的工作。
- The promise of GOD's word, not our feeling, is our authority. 我们信仰的根据,是圣经可靠的应许,不是我们容易改变的感觉。
- Exaggeratedly “friendly” (in that fashion) or useful: Pick one. 夸张的“友善”(以那种方式)还是有用的帮助:你自己选择吧。