- Susan looked at Jack in great surprise, wondering what he meant. 苏珊十分惊奇地望着杰克,弄不懂他说的意思。
- He didn't refer to Jack in his letter. 他在信中没有提到杰克。
- The girls always tear up jack in my absence. 不在时这些姑娘总是吵吵闹闹。
- I roomed with Jack in college for two years. 在大学里我和杰克同寝室两年只久。
- Strong in action, gentle in method. 行动要坚强,方式要温和。
- I saw not only Tom but also Jack in the park. 我去公园里不仅见到了汤姆,还见到了杰克。
- Modern culture is scientific in method. 现代教育的方法是科学化。
- Victor shoots back and wounds Jack in the side. 维克多开枪反击,射伤了杰克的肋下。
- John is one storke above Jack in the contest. 例句: 约翰在比赛里胜彼一筹。
- The company held out many promises to Jack in order to get him to work for them. 这家公司给了杰克许多许诺,为了使他为他们工作。
- Additional sophistication in method of calculation is unnecessary. 没有必要进一步采取更精密的计算方法。
- I saw Jack in the bookshop. Blast my old shoes if I didn't. 我在书店看见了杰克,如果不是就砍我的头。
- Jack was very late for their date, and Maggie told Jack in no uncertain terms what she thought of him. 杰克约会姗姗来迟,玛吉直截当地告诉杰克她对他的看法。
- Most CSAs are either organic or Biodynamic in method of production. 大部分社区支持型农业采有机或是自然动力方法种植。
- His magic it truly ingenious both in effect and in method. 他的魔术它真实地巧妙实际上和在方法。
- Susan looked at Jack in great surprise,wondering what he meant. 苏珊十分惊奇地望着杰克,弄不懂他说的意思。
- While they continue quarrelling,cut to Jack in close-up. 在他们继续争吵时,把画面转为杰克的特写镜头。
- While they continue quarrelling, cut to Jack in close up. 在他们继续争吵时,把囤面转为杰克的特写镜头。
- Tom is junior to Jack in years, but superior in knowledge. 汤姆比杰克年级小,但学识比他高。
- John has it all over Jack in his ability to handle the machine. 约翰操作这部机器的能力胜过杰克。