- When talks about these result, Wu Zhi smiled was saying, because competed he is the first time participates, therefore also did not have any pressure, was only plays each ball with every effort. 在谈到这些成绩时,吴迪只是微笑着说,因为很多比赛他都是第一次参加,所以也没什么压力,只是尽力打好每一个球罢了。
- Several Ivy League teams play each other regularly each year. 几个常青藤联合会的球队每年都要定期进行比赛。
- Put the ball carefully on the table, so that is won't roll off. 球放到桌上时要小心,别让它滚下来。
- Put the ball carefully on the table,so that it won't roll off. 球放到桌上时要小心,别让它滚下来。
- The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. 小男孩停了一下,认真地检查一下自己的球棒和球。
- PASIVE Mode needs 2 stamina balls wich represents 45 min each ball. 随意模式,耐力2就够了,每个耐力球保障半场发挥。
- Here is a list of things to play each day in order to regain your technic and your sound. 我考虑了你所说的每一点,首先想到的是你必须每天练习。如果你间或中断一两天,你会再次丧失刚刚才恢复的那一点技术。
- Each ball is black on one side and white on the other and together they act as pixels to display images. 每个球一面是黑的,另一面是白的,两者共同起到显示图形的像素的作用。
- Two teams from each of the remaining pools move out of the second round and play each other in the semifinals. 每个组剩下的两个队不参与第二轮比赛,并在半决赛中互相进行比赛。
- In each ball's intermittence, on stand's scream continuously, “the tennis etiquette” will cast behind. 在每个球的间歇,看台上的喊叫声此起彼伏,将“网球礼仪”抛诸脑后。
- We are must play each competition wholeheartedly, in this foundation, strives for the best result. 我们就是要一心一意打好每场比赛,在这个基础上,争取最好的成绩。”
- The Steelers and Bengals both are in the AFC North, and play each other twice each season. 钢人队和孟加拉虎队同属AFC北部赛区,并且每个赛季有两次交手机会。
- During first half I was feeling that we can score each ball that pass our midfield line but finally we scored just one goal. 在上半场我觉得我们每次传过中场的球都可以得分,但是上半时结束我们仅攻入一球。
- For example, students must look at each note, measure and phrase and decide how to play each note to make the music come to life. 例如,每个学生必须看说明衡量和决定,如何发挥每个字注作音乐来生活。
- A decade later that figure has quadrupled, and there are now scores of the biggest names in global soccer trotting out to play each week in England. 十年后,这一数字翻了四倍,而且,全世界那些最负盛名的球星如今每周都会出现在英格兰赛场上。
- Witnessing Disney Land type magic junfolding in front of my eyes with each ball and action by Il Genio coupled with Il Divino Codino. Breathe-taking stuff! 天纵奇才的萨维切维奇与神奇马尾辫巴乔联手出击,天下无敌,他们的配合行云流水,巧夺天工,带给你迪斯尼乐园般神奇和不可思议的感受。他们触球的每一刹那,都会在瞬间夺去你的呼吸!
- The Barclays Premier League currently consists of 20 teams that play each other twice a season (home and away), amounting to 38 games in a season. 英超联赛现在有20支球队,采用主客场双循环的赛制,每个队一共要参加38轮联赛。
- Play each event individually and perfect your skills or participate in Competition Mode where you must master all disciplines to become champion. 个别地玩每件事件而且使你的技术完美或参与你一定征服所有的训练变成冠军的竞争模态。
- Now that your fingers are warmed up, repeat the above three exercises adjusting the metronome to the fastest that you can cleanly play each type of exercise. 现在你的手指应该已经活动开了,将节拍器调整到你能清晰地完成上述练习的最快速度。
- In summers, the County averaged a barbecue and ball nearly every week, but to the red-haired Tarletons with their enormous capacity for enjoying themselves, each barbecue and each ball was as exciting as if it were the first they had ever attended. 这个县在夏天里差不多平均每星期要举行一次全牲野宴和跳舞会,可是对于塔尔顿家那些红头发的最会享乐的人来说,每次野宴和舞会都仿佛是头一次参加似的,总是非常兴奋。