- A person who signs a written document and is mistaken as to the nature of the document may be able to rely on a defence called non est factum. 一个人如果出于对文件性质的误解而在一份书面文件上签了名,那么他将有权抗辩,否认订立合同。
- non est factum [法] 否认订立契约的答辩
- plea of non set factum [法] 非其所为的抗辩
- The accused entered a plea of "not guilty". 被告作了“无罪”的抗辩。
- The defence entered a plea of insanity. 被告方申辩(案发时)精神失常。
- She left the party on the plea of a headache. 她藉口头疼离开了晚会。
- The court record a plea of not guilty. 法院对不服罪抗辩作了记载。
- She leave the party on the plea of a headache. 她藉口头疼离开了晚会。
- Your testimony will support his plea of innocence. 你的证言将证实他的无罪抗辩。
- The court recorded a plea of not guilty. 法院对无罪抗辩作了记载。
- The thief entered a plea of not guilty. 这个贼提出了无罪申诉。
- This is the basic meaning of non bis in idem. 一事不再理原则具有悠久的历史和丰富的内容,世界上许多国家的宪法性文件或刑事诉讼法中都确立了该原则。
- The man put in a plea of not guilty. 提出无罪之抗辨。
- Your plea of old age is only a pretence. 您借口说您年纪老了,这不过是托辞。
- We'll waive reading and enter a plea of not guilty. 我们放弃认罪交易并且请求判决无罪。
- He was absent under the plea of illness. 他借口有病没有出席。
- As a result, many economists now ignore one of the discipline's dreariest maxims: de gustibus non est disputandum, one does not quarrel over tastes. 结果,现在许多经济学家忽视了这一学科最枯燥的格言之一:口味难言好坏,没有人会为了口味不同而争吵。
- The plea of Force Majeure may never be invoked. 不得以不可抗力为由进行抗辩。
- Adveniat gratia et praetereat mundus hic. Hosanna filio David. Si quis sanctus est, accedat; si quis non est, paenitentiam agat. Maranatha. Amen. 但愿恩典降下,并愿这个世界过去。达味的天主,贺三纳!凡圣洁的,可以来。不洁净的,要悔改。主必要来!阿们。
- For envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus. 所以古话说:“多管别人闲事必定没安好心。”