- Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable. 柔软的可弯曲或扭曲的; 柔韧的
- The drain should be soft and pliable. 引流物应是软而易弯的。
- Reconstruction of such defects requires thin, pliable, well-vascularized tissue with a gliding surface for the extensor tendon course. 重建此等缺损所需要的皮瓣必须旣薄且服贴、有丰富的血液供应、及提供伸肌肌腱保持滑动之介面。
- These tubes are lightweight, soft and pliable. 这些管子重量轻,柔软易弯曲。
- He'd always thought of her as pliable. 他一向认为她耳软心活。
- Bending or flexing readily;pliable. 柔软的易弯曲的;柔顺的
- Bending or flexing readily; pliable. 柔软的易弯曲的;柔顺的
- The drain should be soft and pliable . 引流物应是软而易弯的。
- But if you are pliable, move, enquire... 但是如果你是柔韧的,在动着,探询着...
- These tubes are lightweight, soft and pliable . 这些管子重量轻,柔软易弯曲。
- A tendon consists of parallel fibres. 腱由平行的纤维组成。
- A tendon consists of parallel fibers. 腱由平行的纤维组成。
- How is tendon sheath cyst treated after all? 腱鞘囊肿究竟怎么样治疗?
- The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition. 这名运动员在比赛时拉伤了跟腱。
- The remedial method of tendon sheath cyst? 腱鞘囊肿的治疗方法?
- The VMO originates on the adductor magnus tendon. 由于股四头肌和大收肌的起源相同,居于这种解剖学上的原理,因此,大收肌肉的强壮训练来帮助伸膝的动作。
- Long flexor tendon lengthens art. 长屈肌腱延长术。
- Kakha Kaladze has the same problem with his tendon. 卡哈-卡拉泽的跟腱也遇到了同样的问题。
- Ronaldo rotuleo tendon rupture of the left knee. 罗纳尔多左膝肌腱断裂。
- Would you like beef with tendon or just beef? 您的牛肉面是要半筋半肉的,还是一般牛肉的。