- He plonked the groceries on the kitchen floor. 他把买的食物杂货砰的一声扔到厨房的地板上了。
- Mark plunked the heavy suitcase down at the station. 马克在车站把沉重的箱子砰地一声放在地下。
- He plunked a dollar down at the bar and ordered a beer. 他把一美元摔在柜台上,要了杯啤酒。
- Finding an old edition of Hamlet, he plunked down two yuan for it. 他见到一部老版本的<哈姆雷特>, 付了两元把它买下来。
- The workman plonked down his heavy bag of tools. 那个管道工把他沉重的工具袋砰地一声放在地下。
- He plunked the heavy suitcase down at the station. 他在车站,砰地一声把沉重的皮箱摔在地上。
- The frogs plunked in the hollow. 青蛙在洼地里砰砰跳着。
- The postman plonked the mail bag on the floor. 邮差把邮包咚地一声扔在地板上。
- He plunked himself down on the bench. 他一屁股坐在长凳上。
- We'll plunk for more public housing. 我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。
- Plunked into the armchair with a sigh of relief. 如释负重地倒在安乐椅中
- The dart landed plunk in the center of the target. 标枪正中靶心
- I'll plunk for noodles rather than buns. 我要吃面条而不是馒头。
- He just plonked himself down and turned on the TV. 他一屁股坐下来,打开了电视。
- He plonked the books down on the table. 他嘭地一声把书籍扔到了桌子上。
- He plunked the package down on the desk. 他把包裹砰地撂到桌子上。
- No plink or plunk was quite the same as any other. 每个叮铃声或砰砰声在他听来都是不同的。
- She plonked herself down in front of the telly. 她一屁股坐在了电视机前。
- She plunked 100 yuan down for a suit. 她付100元买了一套衣服。
- She plunked the book onto the table. 她呯的一声把书扔到了桌上。