- The marine pile driver has a hydraulic hammer. 水下打桩机有一个液压锤。
- The weight that drops in a pile driver or steam hammer. 撞键打舂机或汽棰内落下的重物。
- drop hammer pile driver 落锤式打桩机
- Diesel pile driver--Safety operation rules. 消防安全操作规程。
- The iron block of a pile driver. 撞锤打桩的铁锤
- After steel is made, it needs forging, which nowadays is done with a pneumatic hammer. 钢炼出来要锻。现在锻要拿汽锤锻。
- However, at 8 a.m., the pile driver started hammering. 然而,在早上8点的时候,打桩机开始轰鸣了。
- Pneumatic hammer is optional to carry out the construction of pilot bore in gravels, rocks and backfills. 可选配气动冲击锤,用于卵砾石、岩石和回填杂土中导向孔的施工;
- Pneumatic hammer is optional to carry out the construction of pilot bore in gravels rocks and backfills. 可选配气动冲击锤,用于卵砾石、岩石和回填杂土中导向孔的施工;
- A mechanism attached to a motor vehicle engine that supplies power to a nonvehicular device, such as a pump or pneumatic hammer. 分动器,动力输出机构:机动车引擎的辅助机构,能为非车辆装置提供动力,如泵或气动锤
- Louder than a pile driver, his burps can be heard from a distance of 30 metres. 此人嗝声在30米开外都能听得一清二楚,就连打桩机也自愧不如。
- It is unparallel that track pile driver can be transferred with a flat truck. 步履桩机用一辆平板车转场此为先例。
- The upsetting test of metal powder sintered preform by blow speed of the hydraulic press,crank press,pneumatic hammer and high energy rate forging hammer was reported. 研究了用液压机、曲柄压力机、空气锤及高速锤的打击速度对粉末冶金烧结体进行的镦粗试验。
- His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work. 他的心思可能转向股票市场,或他在上班途中对打桩机的驾驶操作人了迷感到新奇不已。
- The serise pneumatic hammer is applied to all kinds of free forging, such asextending, heading, punching, cutting, forging and welding, twisting, bending, and mould forging as well. 系列空气锤适用于各种自由锻造,如延伸、镦粗、冲孔、剪切、锻焊、扭转和弯曲等。也可进行胎模锻造。
- Pneumatic hammer drilling technology with low wob,low rate of revolution and high capacity to break rock is one of the best effective methods to solve the problems of hard rock drilling. 空气锤钻井是一种低钻压、低转速、高冲击破岩回转钻进技术,它兼容了气体钻井和冲击回转钻井的优势,其机械钻速一般比回转钻井高,是当今解决硬岩钻井难题的一种有效方法。
- There are 603 machines and equipment including rooter, tower crane, pile driver, etc. 企业拥有挖土机,塔吊,及打桩机等相应的施工机械和质量检测设备共603台(件)。
- The ground thumped it into his feet like the vibration of some huge pile driver, but the message was lost on him. 大地在他的脚下嗵嗵跳动,好似巨大的打桩机震动不已,可是这讯息对他没有作用。
- Vibratory pile driver and extractor and soil are researched.When both are simplified, the finite element model is set up. 摘要以振动沉拔桩机和土为研究对象,对二者进行适当简化后,建立其有限元模型。
- All this research results will lay a theoretical basis for designing and improving the vibratory pile driver and extractor. 以振动沉拔桩机和土为研究对象,对二者进行适当简化后,建立其有限元模型。