- We used bare hands, net, and pole and lines boote to capture fish which was photographed and identified after being caught. 调查期间,以不破坏栖地原则并配合潮汐选定潮间带之潮池后,纪录潮池表水温,徒手或辅以手抄网、围网及一支钓等方式进行捕捞,将捕获之个体计数并进行拍照及种鑑定。
- Phil used a makeshift fishing pole and caught two fish. 菲尔用代用的鱼杆钓到了两条鱼。
- The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off. 船夫拿起了篙子,把船撑离了岸。
- He let go of the pole and let it fall . 他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。
- He let go of the pole and let it fall. 他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。
- The South Pole and the North Pole areantipodes. 南极和北极是对跖地域。
- He took up the pole and shoved the boat off. 他拿起篙子,把船撑离了岸。
- Maintains good housekeeping and line discipline. 保持车间清洁有序和良好的生产纪律。
- You must measure the length by rule and line. 你必须准确地计量长度。
- Then he replaced the pole and walked away. 说完,他把旗杆插回原处,然后走开了。
- Roll out dough and line a buttered flan mould. 面团一分为二。一半擀开。
- It formed the pole and axis of this heathery world. 而两人只要不分手,就是在交流思想感情。
- The plane climbed and lined out east. 飞机爬升后向东飞去。
- The North Pole and the South Pole are antipodes. 南极和北极是一对对跖地。
- The act, process, or art of fishing with a hook and line and usually a rod. 垂钓术用钩和线,通常为鱼杆钓鱼的行为、过程或技艺
- Then it was time to roll out and line up for morning chow. 该起床去排队买早点了。
- Outline of Tuna Longline, Troll and Pole and Line Fishery in Western and Central Pacific Ocean 中西太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓、曳绳钓和竿钓渔业概况(2)
- He climbed to the top of the pole and knocked off the icicles. 他爬上柱子顶端把冰柱敲掉了。
- He lifted the pole and brought it down hard on the spy's head. 他举起扁担使劲往那特务头上打下去。
- Fishing line fishing , also referred to as angling , is the most common form of fishing for hobbyists in the United States. 行车途中如果刹车突然间失灵很可能造成车毁人亡,所以掌握点应急方法,或许就能化险为夷。