- She slip and fall, but have a soft landing on some cushion. 她滑倒了,好在是跌在一些垫子上了。
- political soft landing 政治软着陆
- The satellite safely achieved a soft landing. 这颗卫星安全地实现了软着陆。
- She slipped and fell,but had a soft landing on some cushion. 她滑倒了,好在是跌在一些垫子上了。
- We see a soft landing because we think fundamentals will continue to be good. 我们认为股市会软着陆,因为我们认为基本面会持续走好。
- The stabilization and adhustment efforts that began in 1993 brought the economy to a soft landing. 1993年政府开始实施稳定和调整政策,实现了我国经济的软着陆。
- They spoke of "midcourse corrections" and of bringing in the economy for a "soft landing. 大谈“中期修正”、标榜经济“软着陆”。
- Certainly every little helps, but the top tip for fallers must be toaim for a soft landing. 这也许能有些帮助,但如果你不幸从高空坠落,记住最重要的一条,要使自己尽量“软着陆”。
- There is too much complacency about a soft landing for the US economy, low inflation and geopolitical risk. 人们对美国经济软着陆、低通胀和地缘政治风险盲目自满。
- Recent economic data has been mixed, but on balance we continue to believe that the soft landing scenario remains the most likely outcome. 最近公布的经济数据好坏参半,但整体而言,我们依然相信各国政府将偏向实行软著陆政策。
- Soft Landing A term used to describe a rate of economic growth high enough to avoid recession, but slow enough to avoid high inflation. 指经济增长足以防止衰退但不足以引发高通胀。
- If all goes well, on January 25 the rover, now snuggled atop the Delta, will bounce in its airbag to a soft landing on the Red Planet. 如果一切顺利,现在紧系于三角洲火箭顶端的巡?者号,在明年1月25日将会利用气囊在红色火星上缓冲降落。
- These positive signs, however, do not guarantee a soft landing for an economy that is contracting after seven years of solid growth. 不过,这些正面信息并不能确保经济的软着陆,该国经济在几年的稳定增长后正在逐步收缩。
- Indeed, if lenders had been more prudent, housing would have coasted to a soft landing, and would likely be on the mend today. 实际上,如果信贷机构能够更加审慎从事,房地产市场本可以实现一次软着陆,目前可能已走上复苏之路。
- Similarly, both countries devote in the soft landing test, like US's survey number lunar probe and Soviet Union's Moon 9th detector. 同样,两国都致力于软着陆实验,如美国的勘测者号月球探测器和苏联的月球9号探测器。
- In the mainland's economic soft landing, Gome to the normal growth of retail business in order to maintain the confidence of partners. 中英文对照:在内地经济软着陆的情况下,国美电器零售业务能够正常增长,从而维持合作伙伴的信任。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- As the image he was evolving became more complex, his software would crank down the mutation rate for a soft landing on the final form. 当他所进化的图像更加复杂时,他的软件会调低变异速度,从而实现向最终形式的软着陆。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。