- environmental pollution control regulations 环境污染管理条例
- In coal burning process, the formation, moving, emission and control regulations of pollutant and the NOx pollution control technology are the key study content in coal burning field. 以万松岭隧道工程开挖为研究对象,对隧道工程开挖施工爆破地震波的振动监测方法及控制技术进行了研究。
- Ans: According to Number31 of the Air Pollution Control Regulation, if the residents burn the Ghost money in the open district, they will have to pay a NT$5,000 to NT$100,000 fine. 答:依照空气污染防制法第三十一条之规定,市府可依法告发,处以新台币五千元以上十万元以下之罚锾。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- A clamor in the press for pollution control. 在报纸上对污染控制的呼吁
- air pollution control regulation 防止大气污染条例
- Air pollution control will be expensive. 控制空气污染是要费钱的。
- Industrial water Pollution Control II. 工业水污染控制2。
- A clamorin the press for pollution control. 在报纸上对污染控制的呼吁。
- Air pollution control measures on track. 控制空气污染措施如期进行。
- Eg: They debated on the issue of pollution control. 例:他们就污染治理问题进行了讨论。
- The public insist that pollution control measures be installed. 公众坚决主张采取控制污染的措施。
- They have just got accustomed to the traffic control regulations fast very much. 他们很快就习惯了交通管理条例。
- Provide a basis for water pollution control strategies. 为制订本港水污染管制策略提供依据。
- Collection and management of water pollution control fees. 三水污染防治費之徵收及管理。
- China relaxes birth control regulations and lifts four-year wait for second child. 中国放宽节育的规定,取消须等四年才能有第二个孩子的限制。
- Article12 Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第十二条食品容器、装材料和食品用工具、备必须符合卫生卫生标准和管理办法的规定。
- In terms of the money saved, the good money will be preferred over the bad, if this is not disallowed by exchange control regulations. 然而,就储蓄而言,若没有货币管制的话,大家当然会选择良币。
- Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第十二条食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备必须符合卫生卫生标准和管理办法的规定。
- Eastern European pollution control has been notoriously ineffective. 东欧的污染控制一直以无效而闻名。