- He sat in the bower to have a rest. 他坐在凉亭里,休息一会儿。
- The anchor man in a relay team runs last. 接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。
- Walk back the port anchor one and a half shackles. 绞出左锚链一节半。
- A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
- Walk out the port anchor on the water surface. 松出左锚到水面。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour. 港湾里停泊著几只船。
- We went ashore when the boat reached the port. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。
- The anchor chain took charge and ran out. 锚链失去控制而滑了出来。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- best bower anchor 备用船首大锚
- first bower anchor 船首右大锚
- Ships must follow the channel into the port. 船只必须沿航道进入港口。
- The ship lay at anchor in the bay. 这艘船停泊在海湾。
- The ships cast anchor because of the heavy fog. 船因浓雾拋锚。
- The ship cast anchor at Shanghai. 这船在上海下锚停泊。
- They weighed anchor and drifted toward shore. 他们起了锚,向海岸漂去。
- London used to be Britain's largest port. 伦敦过去是英国最大的港口城市。