- On the philosophical foundation of Marxist materialism, it has transcended traditional practical esthetics and human-centeredness. 它以马克思主义唯物实践观为哲学前提,是对传统实践美学和人类中心的一种超越。
- This article attempts to unify the literature theory, the psychotechnics, the practical esthetics correlation theories discusses the television advertisement language the main characteristic. 本文试图结合文学理论,应用心理学,实用美学的相关理论来探讨电视广告语言的主要特征。
- This thesis abstracts and analyzes the features of practical aesthetics: realistic, universal, critical and enlightening. 这里概括并分析了现实美学的特征:真实性、人民性、批判性、启蒙性。
- The aesthetes of the school of practical aesthetics have not faced squarely to this difference and made choices in accordance with science and facts, thus causing the flaw of their theory from the core. 实践派美学家们没有正视这一区别、做出有科学和事实根据的选择,造成了自己学说根基上的缺陷。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- Practical experience belies this theory. 实际经验证明这个理论是错误的。
- The debates on the redefinition of the practice concept has become the central point of the practice aesthetics. 摘要因社会变革而导致的对实践概念是否应重新界定的争论,已成为实践美学研究中的焦点问题。
- Your invention is not practical. 你的发明不实用。
- To be based on subjective philosophy the practice aesthetic is oppugned inevitably, when globality entironment have been jeopardizing. 伴随着全球性生态危机,不可避免地将对以主体性哲学为基础的实践美学观提出质疑。
- Jiang Kongyang is the summarizer of the practice aesthetics.He is not the terminator, hut the innovator, of the practice aesthetics. 摘要蒋孔阳是实践美学的总结者,但是,蒋孔阳不是实践美学的终结者,而是实践美学的创新者。
- For all practical purposes, it was useless. 实际上它毫无用处。
- Alexander Gottliel Baumgarten's aesthetics theory have sure enlightenment to build contemporary practice aesthetics theory. 鲍姆嘉通的美学思想对当代实践美学的建构也有一定的启示。
- He represented the plan as practical. 他声称计划切实可行。
- He gave sound and practical advice. 他提出了很好的,实际可行的建议。
- At first thought, the plan was quite practical. 乍一想,这一计划还相当实用。
- It has developed Marxism's practicing aesthetics, held two essential questions about contemporary aesthetics and exposed new orienfation in researching aesthetics. 蒋孔阳创造论美学思想的历史功绩在于,将马克思主义实践论美学向前推进了一步;抓住当代美学中的两个关键问题,在精辟的解答中预示出美学研究的新领域、方向。
- Practical experience is often very important. 实际经验往往是很重要的。
- It can refer to an academic subject or a practical skill. 这一词既可指某一学科也可指某种技能。
- Esthetics on Chinese a Tradition Painting. 中国绘画美学。
- Your invention is very practical. 你的发明物很实用。