- Add an Adapter on a new Network. 菜单创建网络。
- New Network Load Balancing cluster. 新建网络负载平衡群集。
- Michael has evinced little interest in the new network so far. 目前为止,迈克尔还没表现出对于新网络有什么兴趣。
- MPLS is a new network technology mixing IP with ATM. MPLS(多协议标记交换)是一种IP与ATM相融合的新兴网络技术。
- I've met this requirement by inventing a new network service. 我创造了一个新的网络服务来满足这个要求。
- On the new network all telephones will be connected to MSANs. 在新网路上,所有的电话都将连到MSAN。
- The new network has detected some shallow earthquakes along the trough. 新台网已记录到一些沿海槽发生的浅源地震。
- When you punch the fourth button,a new network will flash on the screen. 如果你按下第四个按钮,萤光幕上将出现一个新的网络。
- When you punch the fourth button, a new network will flash on the screen. 如果你按下第四个按钮,萤光幕上将出现一个新的网络。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- Good News Network (GNN), a portal for good news, is developing fast amid the gloomy economy. 当前经济不景气,美国一个发布好消息的网站GNN却发展迅猛。
- Check out this Beachbody News Network (BNN) report for other tips to lower your risk. 登录BNN网站搜寻其他小贴士来降低你的风险。
- Bin Laden was last seen in a videotape broadcast in September by the Arabic-language TV news network Al-Jazeera. 拉登最近的一次亮相是在九月份阿拉伯一家电视台公开的录影带中。
- U.S. Cable News Network reported earlier in the day, the assailants boarded the vessel may be close to the target. 中英文对照:美国有线电视新闻网当天早些时候报道,袭击者可能搭乘船只靠近袭击目标。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。
- This flexibility allows equipment vendors to be much more aggressive in creating and deploying new network technologies and protocols. 这种灵活性将让设备厂商在开创和部署新的网络技术和协议方面更有进取心。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- In each database that contains a route for the service you are moving, alter the route to use the new network address. 在包含要移动的服务的路由的每个数据库中,更改该路由以使用新的网络地址。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被监禁一年。
- Demonstrates how publish a Word or Excel solution and then redeploy the solution to a new network location. 演示如何发布Word或Excel解决方案,然后将该解决方案重新部署到新的网络位置。