- We are prepared to supply crude drugs you need. 我们能够而且愿意供应你们需要的药材。
- Conclusion: Method and technology of cornel processing need normalize study and to found the quality criteria of cut crude drug of ... 结论:非常有必要在对山茱萸加工“去核”和加热蒸制的方法和工艺进行规范化研究的基础上,制定饮片质量标准。
- CONCLUSION: The method of integrating field cutting crude drugs into pieces with processing of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. has feasible standardization... 结论:牡丹皮饮片产地加工炮制一体化具有可行性和规范化优势。
- To review the recent study on crude drug identification,chemical constituent,principle of processing,pharmacological action of fructus aurantii. 综述枳壳的生药鉴定,以及化学成分、炮制机理、药理作用等方面近年的研究进展。
- Conclusion: Oral use and coloclysis chinese crude drug is effe... 结论:采用中药口服配合灌肠是治疗放射性直肠炎较为有效的方法。
- Result: There was long history, much method, not identify technology, less study of modern processing and not quality criteria of cut crude drug of cornel processing. 结果:山茱萸加工和炮制历史悠久,方法较多,工艺不明确,现代炮制研究较少,没有饮片质量标准。
- Drug distributors shall indicate the habitat of Chinese crude drugs to be sold. 药品经营企业销售中药材,必须标明产地。
- The equipment corrosion and corrosion resistance in processing crude oil with high acid value are reviewed. 摘要高酸值原油加工过程中设备的腐蚀问题和防腐蚀新技术受到相关部门的高度重视。
- Objective: To research and choose the best crude drugs of Rhubarb dispensing granule. 目的:筛选大黄配方颗粒的原料药。
- Objective To identify 4 similar crude drugs from Cynanchum forrestii,C.inamoenum,C.paniculatum,C.mongolicum. 目的鉴定鹅绒藤属4种性状相似的药材。
- It has long been a controversial issue that how much ullage should be born by the petrochemical enterprises that are engaged in processing crude oil transmitted through long-distance pipelines. 加工长输管道管输原油的石化企业应承担多少管道损耗指标,多年来一直是一个有争议的问题。
- Chinese crude drugs may be sold at fairs in urban and rural areas, except those otherwise specified by the State Council. 城乡集市贸易市场可以出售中药材,国务院另有规定的除外。
- Objective: To find out the difference between fleece-flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato Yam. 摘要目的:了解何首乌饮片与其伪品的生药鉴别。
- The paper summarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinese crude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis. 文章对近年有关化痰祛瘀中药治疗脂肪肝方面的研究进展文献资料进行了综述。
- Method: To identify fleece-flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato yam in character and micrograph. 方法:对何首乌饮片与其伪品黄药子饮片进行性状及显微鉴别。
- Aim To provide evidence for quality evaluation of the crude drug,the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum. 目的为中药材女贞子的质量评价提供依据。
- Methods: Morphological identification and merchandise investigation of their crude drug and yinpian were performed. 方法:药材及饮片性状鉴别及商品调查。
- Conclusion The RAPD technique can be taken as a effective identification for commercial crude drug Bulbus Lilii. 结论RAPD技术完全可以作为商品药材的一种较好的鉴别方法。
- Project of Processing Crude Oil 1000 年加工1000万吨原油项目
- Method:the fingers crush injury was treated with infrared radiation,wax therapy and Chinese crude drug bath. 方法:对手指碾挫挤压伤采取手术,红外线照射,蜡疗及中药浴综合治疗,观察手指的功能恢复。