- It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- I'm afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior. 不轻率,端庄在讲话,衣着或行为方面谨慎而适当
- She has no sense of propriety in what she does or says. 她说话做事都没有分寸。
- Excess in drinking is the evil thereof. 饮酒过度由此而生祸害。
- He often indulges himself in drinking. 他常常耽溺于饮酒。
- Bacteria in drinking water have spread the illness. 饮水中的病菌传播了疾病。
- The French believe in drinking good red wine. 法国人信仰喝上好的红酒。
- Constant indulgence in drinking ruined his health. 长期沉溺于酒精毁了他的健康。
- There is no danger in drinking our tap water. 喝自来水没有危险。
- I see no harm in drinking a little red wine. 我觉得喝点红酒没什么坏处。
- She drowned her sorrow in drink. 她借酒消愁。
- There was no doubt that he was in drink. 毫无疑问他喝碎了。
- He talked too much when he was in drink. 他醉后话太多。
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrow in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- Do not drown your troubles in drink. 别借酒消愁。
- I am afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- Miss Temple had always something of serenity in her air, of state in her mien, of refined propriety in her language. 谭波尔小姐神情中总是带点儿宁静,仪态中总是带点儿庄严,谈吐总是彬彬有礼。
- It is no use trying to drownyour sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁于事无补。
- Temperance involves much more control than moderation in drink. 节制包括的远不止饮酒方面的自制。