- For lactic acid has one asymmetric carbon atom, the mechanical, physical and biological properties of PLA are related to the stereochemistry of lactic acids. 合成聚乳酸的初始物质乳酸是有手性的分子,使得聚乳酸的机械和物理性能以及生物学性质与乳酸单体的立体异构性有关。
- We have made no reference to asymmetric carbon atoms. 我们未曾涉及不对称碳原子。
- Keywords rotatory isomer;configuration mark;Fischer projection;asymmetric carbon atom;spirocyclic system; 旋光异构;构型标记;费歇尔投影;手征性碳原子;螺环体系;
- We have made no reference to asymmetric carbon atoms 我们未曾涉及不对称碳原子。
- asymmetric carbon atom 不对称碳原子
- similar asymmetric carbon atom 相似不对称碳原子
- Every carbon atom has four bonds. 每个碳原子的价键为四。
- The compound of above of 10 carbon atom calls polysaccharide. 10个碳原子以上的化合物叫多糖。
- Now we are among the two innermost electrons of the carbon atom. 现在,我们处于碳原子最里面的两个电子之间。
- Having a ring composed exclusively of carbon atoms, as benzene. 碳环的有一个仅由碳原子组成的环的,如苯
- At the end of the series of reactions each carbon atom is recovered. 在反应的最后每个碳原子都可以回收。
- Having a carbon atom attached solely to one other carbon atom in a molecule. 一代的分子一个碳原子点和另外一个碳原子相连的。
- A polymer in which the repeating unit contains two carbon atoms linked by an oxygen atom. 聚醚一种聚合物,其中重复性的单位含有由一个氧原子连结的两个碳原子
- Carbohydrates contain choral carbon atoms. 碳水化合物含有手性碳原子
- Carbon atoms provide the backbone of living matter. 碳原子提供了生命物质的骨架。
- These carbon atoms are therefore chiral. 因此,这个碳原子称手性碳原子。
- Each of the four valency electrons of the carbon atom is shared with one of a hydrogen atom. 碳原子的四个价电子都各与氢原子的一个价电子共用。
- The meso carbon atom of the methine linkage of the dye is attached to the nitrogen atom of an amino group. 该染料的甲川链上的中位碳原子与氨基的氮原子相连。
- IR ananlysis shows that graft copolyxnerization took place on the tertiary carbon atom of PP molecular chain. 红外光谱分析表明,丙烯酸接枝在聚丙烯大分子链的叔碳原子上。
- Ketohexose A ketose SUGAR with six carbon atoms, e.g. fructose. 己酮糖:一种六碳的酮糖。例如果糖。