- pulsatile hematoma 搏动性血肿
- The hematoma will usually subside in time. 血肿通常随时间消逝。
- Development of a pulsatile high pressure equipment. 脉冲高压设备的发展。
- Any hematoma may indicate a vascular injury; and. 任何血肿要怀疑血管损伤。
- Hematoma compression and tracheomal acia etc. 血肿压迫、气管软化等是甲状腺手术并发急性呼吸道梗阻常见原因。
- It's alive, It's vermeil,and it's pulsatile in my palm ! 它活着,有着鲜红的色彩,并在我的手心里跳动着!
- Most of the clinical manifestations are pulsatile nontender mass. 大多数临床表现是搏动的无压痛性肿块。
- Evacuation of Intracerebral Hematoma Is Likely to Be Beneficial? 血肿清除有可能成为脑出血患者的有效治疗方法吗?
- Traumatic spinal subdural hematoma is a rare entity. 摘要外伤性脊髓硬脑膜下腔血肿是一种少见的疾病。
- Radiological studies showed a subperiosteal hematoma. 在此,我们报导一个罕见的病例。
- When no hematoma formed, hemorrhage would not worsen the prognosis. 在不形成血肿的情况下,出血不会导致预后恶化。
- Of the 5 patients with pons hematoma, hematoma was totally removed. 第四脑室底部桥脑出血5例,血肿量5-15ml,血肿全部清除。
- No infection, hematoma, leakage or s kin necrosis was encountered. 无感染、血肿、渗漏及皮肤坏死等并发症发生。
- IVUS showed hyperechoic or equal echogenic of the hematoma. 血肿压迫血管腔可形成不同程度梗阻。
- A pulsatile midline mass suggests ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. 正中线搏动性肿块提示腹主动脉瘤破裂。
- Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter? 腰椎术后硬膜外血肿:大小很重要吗?
- The LVAD outflow appeared to be pulsatile that matched with the cardiac cycle. 从犬只实验中,可知叶轮帮浦的输出血流,会受心脏搏动周期的影响而呈现脉动流场。
- The effect of pulsatile perfusion seems more significant than traditional CRP. 搏动灌注的效果更为显著。
- US,however,could show the lack of pulsatile motion of distal cord with TCS. 同时超声尚能检查出脊髓远端动态脉跳搏动消失。
- ABSTRACT : Aim To study the behavior of Modafinil pulsatile tablets in vivo. 摘要 :目的 研究莫达非尼脉冲控释片的体内过程。