- New Pulverized Coal Sampling Device 新型煤粉取样装置
- Methods of Lost Gas Calculation of Coal Sample? 煤样逸散气量的求取方法?
- A boiler designed for the pulverized coal or lignite to be consumed. 为燃烧粉状煤或褐煤设计的锅炉。
- pulverized coal sampling 煤粉取样
- Study and application of pulverized coal ignition with little oil by using stabilized combustion cavity burners. 稳燃腔燃烧器少油点火的研究与应用。
- Production practices of oxygen enriched pulverized coal injection to No. 6 BF in Lianyuan Iron and Steel Group Co. 涟钢6号高炉富氧喷煤生产实践。
- Revamping on medium speed coal mill for BF pulverized coal injection system of Ji'nan Iron and Steel Co. 济钢高炉喷煤系统中速磨的改造。
- The Experimental Research for the Pulverized Coal Combustion accompanied with the Oil Gas. 煤粉炉掺烧油田伴生气的试验研究。
- Practice on increasing injection ratio of pulverized coal in No. 6 BF of Shaoguan Iron and Steel Co. 韶钢6号高炉提高喷煤比生产实践。
- In this work, measurements of coal swelling and permeability change were conducted on a coal sample from Bulli seam, Australia. 本文测量了一种澳大利亚煤的膨胀率以及相应的渗透率的变化。
- MG Series Buried Scraper Freeder is the major equipment used in the pulverized coal making system of power plant. mg系列埋刮板给煤机是火力发电厂制粉系统中的主要设备。
- The testing research about enhancing permeability rate by hydraulic cutting seam on outsize coal sample is introduced. 介绍了特大煤样采用水力割缝提高瓦斯渗透率的实验研究。
- The release process of volatiles has a vital influence on the reduction of NOx during recombustion of pulverized coal. 在煤粉再燃还原NO的过程中,挥发份的释放过程对其再燃还原NO有重要影响。
- The studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. 总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。
- Grinding of the coal carried by the hot air sent by the Pulverized Coal Exhauster burning furnace boiler. 磨碎的煤粉由热空气携带经排粉风机送入锅炉的炉膛内燃烧。
- The mass and the quantity of oxygen physisorption of the coal sample were measured before and after each heating experiment. 在每一次加热前后都测量煤样的质量,以及进行对氧气的物理吸附实验。
- The other factors have more remarkable influences on the ignition temperature of HTA to the finer pulverized coal. 其余各因素对细颗粒煤粉气流的着火热空气度产生的影响比粗颗粒大;
- The determined result differences of the caking index of the same coal sample under different test conditions are discussed. 探讨了不同试验条件下同一煤样粘结指数测定结果的差异。
- The construction of ash dam in Weishui Power Plant adopts the multi stage pulverized coal ash subdam technology. 微水电厂贮灰坝的施工采用了多级粉煤灰子坝技术。