- Purchase and put what problem should note again? 购置和摆放又要注重哪些问题呢?
- This is your purchase and the guarantee. 这是您购买的物品和保修单。
- As Capitalism develops, monopoly has already become a salient characteristics of business purchasing and combination. 摘要垄断随着资本主义的发展,已经成为企业购并的显著特征。
- Liability for breach of a purchase and sale contract. 第三十二条违反购销合同的责任
- Establishing ephedrine purchase and marketing verification rules. 建立麻黄素购销核查制度。
- And analyzing the way of purchasing and combining by theoretical and practical cases, we should realize the risk of the internationalization feasibility to Jinjiang Enterprises. 从理论基础和实践案例两方面,分析并购的方式,对晋江企业实现国际化的可行性,指出要注意的风险。
- Managed and expedited purchase and printing of collateral. 管理和加快采购和印刷抵押品。
- Synchronize and combine ICQ databases with this unique tool. 同步并且把ICQ数据库与这个唯一的工具相结合。
- Cash Price The price of the purchase and delivery of cash commodities. 现金价格购买及送交现货商品的价格。
- After that,atoms began to form and combine ti create atars and other bodies. 在那以后,微粒开始出现形成,并且互相联合在一起创造出了星星和其他天体。
- One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit. 商人通过成批购买并零售货物而获取利润的从业者
- Both purchasing and marketing are brisk. 购销两旺
- She paid for her purchases and left. 她支付了购买商品的钱后就离开了。
- Name of Purchaser and Name of procurement Agent. 买方名称,采购代理名称
- Knowledge of products, finance, purchasing and QC. 产品、财务、采购及品质知识。
- Major Responsibilities: -PMO support in collecting information and combining reports -Routine support on purchas...... ... 公司名称:华晨宝马汽车有限公司工作地点:辽宁省沈阳市发布时间:2009-4-29
- Approval of material purchasing and storage. 核准物料的采购和存储作业.
- We'll have our meeting over dinner and combine business with pleasure. 我们在吃饭时见面,寓工作于娱乐之中。
- Pneumatically driven shifting units distribute and combine the PET containers. PET罐通过气动移动单元分配和组合。
- Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee. 请保存好收据,作为交款凭证,并享受保修。