- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?
- We pay a flat rate for every telephone call. 我们打电话每次付相同的费用。
- The going rate for the job is $10 per hour. 这项工作的现行工资是每小时十美元。
- Please tell me the current rate for sterling. 请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。
- The going rate for the job is£4 per hour. 这种工作的现行工资是每小时四英镑。
- Can you tell me the current rate for sterling, please? 能否请您告诉我现行英国货币的兑换率。
- We pay the go rate or the market rate for typist. 我们按现价或市场价支付打字员。
- What's the rate for a fax to England? 发往英国的传真要多少费用?
- We pay the go rate for waitress. 我们按时价支付女招待的工资。
- We pay a flat rate for bed and breakfast. 我们按统一的收费标准支付住宿和早餐。
- This is the rate for domestic airmail. 这是国内邮资。
- The rate for excess luggage is $7 per kg. 超重行李费是每公斤7美元。
- The go rate for office be 10 per square foot. 办公室现价为每平方英尺。
- The going rate for office is 10 per square feet. 办公室现价为每平方英尺10英镑。
- We pay a flat rate for electricity each quarter. 我们每季度的电费是一样的。
- What about the rate for overweight per kilo? 超重行李每公斤多少运费?
- What's the rate for one of your Minis? 租辆小型车要多少钱?
- I suggest we use a flat rate for the penalty. 我建议使用固定赔偿率。