- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- The ratio of men to women was two to one. 男女的比例是二比一。
- A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap. 陷阱捕捉或诱捕的方式; 圈套
- The strike is the ultima ratio of Trade Unionism. 罢工是工联主义的最后手段。
- The ratios of 1 to 5 and 20 to 100 are the same. 1与5之比和20与100之比相同。
- This is the prime ratio of the nascent increments. 这是最初增量的最初比。
- In these lakes the fish swim deep and take a lot of catching. 这些湖中的鱼都在深水中活动,很不易捕到。
- Compression ratio of the server input data stream. 服务器输入数据流的压缩比率。
- The delineation of the sub-area in this study could be used in constructing the General Linear Models for standardizing the catch rate of this stock. 本研究所得的渔区划分结果,将可应用于北大西洋长鳍鲔钓获率标准化研究。
- Compression ratio of the server output data stream. 服务器输出数据流的压缩比率。
- Instead of catching fish , they catch old boots and rubbish . 他们没钓到鱼,而钓到是旧靴子和废物。
- Low utilization ratio of healthcare resources. 卫生资源利用效率不高。
- Exhibiting a high ratio of output to input. 功效大的产出与投入比值高的
- You are in danger of catching a cold if you don't take any medicine. 如果你不吃药的话,就有感冒的危险。
- The ratio of hits to misses for the cache. 缓存命中数和未命中数的比率。
- Length to diameter ratio of flexspline. 柔轮长度与内径之比。
- We don't have to be afraid of catching SARS. 我们没必要害怕患上非典。
- After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sales. 税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比。