- We did not receive all of the requested documentation. 我们没有收到所要求的全部文件。
- This will ensure that they receive all official RI mailings. 以确保他们都会收到国际扶轮所有的正式邮件。
- You will receive all documents in your local language and under your local law. 根据您所在的国家法律,您将会收到所有本国语言的文件。
- Join today to receive all these benefits and become a member of UCCA family! 现在加入UCCA会员,即刻享受以上所有的优惠!
- A buffer was too small to receive all of an IMAP response. This is a bug! 有一个缓冲区太小,无法接收IMAP回应的全部内容。这是一个程式臭虫!
- Good for receiving all pay TV channels. 全部电视台都能清楚接收。
- He/She will be the primary representative to receive all Chamber information. 此人将作为主要代表,接收所有总商会的资讯。
- With intra-block chaining, users receive all the data in the same block. 通过内部块链接,用户能获取在同一块中所有的数据。
- Cheung Kong is not guaranteed to receive all of its ordered allotment. 俄铝并未保证长江实业一定会获得它所认购的全部股票。
- Enter your email and be the first to receive all the best photos on The Chive! 请输入您的电子邮件,并成为第一家获得所有的最佳照片韭菜!
- My family decided to upgrade our cable to receive all of the premium channels. 我家决定升级有线电视,以便接收所有付费频道。
- Jill: Are you still receiving all that junk mail in your mailbox? 吉尔:你是不是还经常在邮箱里收到垃圾邮件。
- To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while. 意味着无论何时都懂得接受、施与与分享;
- Only 1% of the croplands would be sufficient to receive all the sludge produced in the United States. 只有1%25的农业用地就足够容纳全美国所产生的污泥。
- Then Shylock had to promise the duke that Jessica, his daughter, and Lorenzo, her husband, should receive all Shylock's money when he died. 接着夏洛克必须答应公爵他的女儿洁西卡和女婿劳伦兹在他死后继承他所有遗产。
- Do female workers receive all maternity leave and benefits that they are legally entitled to? 工厂是否为女性员工提供法定的有关女性的假期和福利?
- Keep good communication and corporation, receive all kinds of word instruction from boss and ensure good executive. 与其它部门保持积极有效的沟通与合作,接受上司的各种工作指示,并确保得到有效实施与执行;
- The user did not receive all of the objects requested due to inaccessible resources (other than security violations). 由于不能访问资源(不是违反安全),用户没有接到所有请求的对象。
- Once authenticated, developers receive all the benefits of the BREW Alliance Program. 通过认证之后,开发商即可享受BREW联盟计划的所有益处。