They have no recreation or recess in their work. 他们并没有休息或停工时间。
He approached imperceptibly the gloomy recess. 他不知不觉地走到了幽暗的山岔。
I push the problem down into the dim recess of my mind. 我把这个问题藏到内心深处,不去多想它。
The attic sloped down from the centre, and the trunk was lying in a far recess. 阁楼从中央倾斜而下,这个木箱正好放在远端的壁龛里。
Finally I had to get up near dawn to sleep on the ledge of the honor recess, where in Japanese living rooms the best vase and picture scroll are displayed. 末了,我不得不在凌晨起来,睡到壁龛里去,那本是日式房间摆放花瓶画轴的地方。
Have you any plans for the summer recess? 你暑假有什么打算吗?