- red alternating with white; in red and white check 红白相间
- Good harvests alternate with bad. 好收成与坏收成交替更迭。
- The painter lightened the red paint with white. 油漆匠用白漆把红漆调淡。
- Red Oranda with White Jade Stamp on He. 简介:玉印头球。
- The painter lightened the color with white. 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。
- Day and night alternate with each other. 日夜彼此交替。
- Dark stripes alternate with pale ones. 深浅条纹相间。
- Wet days alternate with fine days . 雨天与晴天交替更迭。
- His hair was combed and his face was red with white patches. 他整理了头发,脸膛通红,还有几块白斑。
- Wet days alternate with fine days. 雨天与晴天交替更迭。
- North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white. 北美洲砖红或铁锈红色的蝙蝠,毛发的尖部为白色。
- Day and night alternate with each other . 日夜彼此交替。
- Nectaries 5, alternate with petals. 蜜腺5,与花瓣互生。
- I had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace. 我为她做的小袋很特别,红绿相间还镶着白边。
- Sunny weather alternated with rain. 天气晴雨相间。
- I had made a special pouch for her,red and green with white lace. 我为她做的小袋很特别,红绿相间还镶着白边。
- Rainy days alternated with dry ones. 雨天与晴天交替更迭。
- Santa Claus was dressed in a red suit with white fur. 圣诞老人身穿一件缀有白毛的红衣服。
- Calyx pale red with white base, equaling bracteoles, apex 2-cleft. 花萼淡红的具白色的基部,等于小苞片,顶2半裂。
- The guard hairs on either edge alternate with each other. 两侧的针毛相互交错在一起。