- His remarks are full of pomposity. 他的话里充满炫耀。
- The granaries are full to bursting. 这些粮仓都堆得满满的。
- Ours are full to the gunnels," he said. 我们这儿的课都排的满满当当,”他说。
- The bleachers were full to overflowing. 看台上人满为患。
- The glass was full to overflowing. 杯子斟得满满的。
- Her schoolbag was full to bursting. 她的书包鼓鼓的。
- The glass was full to the brim . 玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了。
- They were full to overflowing with joy at the good news. 他们真的都对这好消息满怀了喜悦之情不已。
- These remarks are intolerable to the ear. 这些语言不堪入耳。
- His opening remarks are applauded by the audience. 他的开场白受到听众的鼓掌欢迎。
- It's not always wise to humor a small child. 迁就小孩子不总是明智的。
- Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她说的那些话很露骨而使人感到很尴尬。
- These remarks are off the record. 这些话是私底下说的。
- The club seemed to be full of eccentrics. 这个俱乐部里好像都是怪人。
- Facetious remarks are part of his stock-in-trade. 讲俏皮话是他的拿手好戏。
- A trap may not be full to the spill plane, a point of both local and regional significance. 油气可能没有充满至圈闭的溢出面,它是局域或区域上都有意义的点。
- A trap may not be full to the spill plane,a point of both local and regional significance. 油气可能没有充满至圈闭的溢出面,它是局域或区域上都有意义的点。
- His remark was contradictory to the truth. 他的叙述与事实矛盾。
- His remark was calculated to hurt her. 他的话是故意要伤她的。
- His art works are full of humor. 他的作品轻松幽默,鲜明的色彩强烈对比。