- If Xiaoqin endures clear sky thunder kind, shakily says: "Fictitious world, you had not seen her, how to remember with concern went up. 小秦如挨晴空霹雳般,颤抖着说:“虚拟世界,你还没见过她呢,怎么就惦记上了。”
- The statistics were received with concern. 这些统计数字受到了关注。
- I'm talking about intros that ooze with concern. 我讲的是富有关怀的开场白。
- He was distracted with concern for her son. 她为了儿子的事情心烦意乱。
- We are watching the fluid situation with concern. 我们密切地注视着动荡不定的局势。
- He stared at the word, trying to remember with it meant. 他盯着这个单词,努力想要记起它的意思。
- I shall always remember with gratitude the favor you did me. 我将永远感激你对我的帮助。
- Is the person's preexistence true with concern couplet now? 人的前世真的与现在有关联吗?
- I remember with particular vividness a hastily snatched visit to Athens. 我特别生动地记得那一次我们匆匆忙忙地去游览雅典。
- If the parent frowns with concern then the baby starts crying. 如果父母忧心地皱起眉毛那小孩就会开始哭。
- Roommate to see me look bad, with concern, said: "Never, right? 室友见我脸色不好,关切地说:“没事吧?”
- He enquires about her well being with concern, which touches her a great deal. 他细心地对她问寒问暖,令她倍受感动。
- The wedding, which Heyward still remember with pride, was attended by a Who's Whoof Boston Society. Heyward至今念念不忘那个有波士顿社交名流出席的婚礼,每每想起,很是骄傲自豪。
- Best wishes for my teacher whom I speak with great admiration and remember with great affection. 最美好的祝愿献给--我时常以崇敬的心情谈及,以无限的爱惦记着的老师。
- The breeze transmits blessing for me, the running water express my tender caring, although we could not get together often due to bustle , but always remember you with concern. 声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。
- As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who... 在我们思索前方的道路此刻,我们怀着谦虚的感激想起那些勇敢的美国人...
- " actually, ding Lei remembers with concern raising a pig is not temporarily actuation. 实际上,丁磊惦记养猪并不是一时冲动。
- I remember with pleasure my last visit to China in September 1982 and my discussions with Chinese leaders. 我愉快地回忆起我于1982年9月对中国的访问以及我同中国领导人的会谈。
- He remembered with what callousness he had watched her. 他记得自己以何等无情的态度瞧着她。
- Elinor saw, with concern, the excess of her sister's sensibility ;but by Mrs.Dashwood it was valued and cherished. 埃丽诺见妹妹过于感情用事,不免有些担心,可达什伍德太太却觉得这很难能可贵。