- Officials said China, which considers Taiwan to be a renegade province, has been notified about the mistake. 政府方面的声明说,美国已经向中国知会了此事。
- China insists self-ruled, democratic Taiwan is a renegade province, and must eventually unify, by force, if necessary. 中共一再强调,民主的台湾是中国的一个叛离的省份,如有需要,终究得用武力,迫使台湾回归中国统一的怀抱。
- However, China's military threat to Taiwan, which it claims to be a renegade province, remains. 然而,中国宣称台湾乃其逃离省份,其对台湾的军事威胁依然存在。
- China refuses to establish relations with any state that recognizes Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province. 中国拒绝和任何承认台湾的国家建立外交关系,北京认为台湾是中国有待统一的一个省份。
- The Chinese authorities regard Taiwan as a renegade province, which should be reunified with China, by force if necessary. 中国当局视台湾为其脱离的行省,有朝一日终须重新回归祖国的怀抱。如果需要,中国政府将动用武力实现这一目标。
- Beijing accuses the Dalai Lama of advocating for Tibetan independence from China, and considers Taiwan to be a renegade province. 北京职责达赖喇嘛鼓动将西藏独立出中国,并认为台湾是一个叛离的省份。
- Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province and has threatened military action if Taiwan formally declares itself independent. 北京认为台湾是有待统一的省份,并威胁说,如果台湾正式宣布独立,就将诉诸武力。
- China and Taiwan split in1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. 中国和台湾于一次内战中在1949年分裂,北京称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个叛乱省份,不能与其他国家有外交关系。
- The Pentagon report describes how China’s military modernization has continued over the past year, with a particular focus on Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province. 这份报告描述了中国近年来的军事现代化情况,并特别关注了台湾这个被大陆看作是反叛的省份。
- In its annual report on the Chinese military, the Pentagon said Beijing appeared focused in the short term on Taiwan, which it regards as a renegade province of China. 五角大楼在其有关中国军力的年度报告中表示,中国政府短期内的关注重点似乎是台湾,中国将台湾视为一个背叛祖国的省份。
- China and Taiwan split in 1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. 中国和台湾在内战中于1949年分裂,北京宣称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个变节的省份,不应当与别的国家有外交关系。
- Nevertheless, the United States remains Taiwan's biggest ally and arms supplier and Beijing remains highly sensitive to any sign of U.S. Favor toward what it sees as a renegade province. 然而,美国仍然是台湾的坚定盟友和武器供给商。对此北京保持了高度的来自与美国对这个叛乱省的任何支持的警惕性。
- America is deeply concerned about the acceleration of China's arms build-up and the hundreds of ballistic missiles it has pointing at Taiwan, which the mainland considers to be a renegade province. 美国对中国武器生产的飞速发展和数百枚弹道导弹瞄准台湾这个叛离的省份极为关注。
- The Tibetan spiritual leader, whom Beijing accuses of being a separatist, spoke on a rare visit to the island that the Chinese communist party regards as a renegade province. 这位被北京指责为分裂分子的西藏精神领袖,正对台湾进行罕有的访问。中国共产党将台湾视为一个叛离省份。
- The Dalai Lama is a potent symbol for an island walking a diplomatic tightrope of de facto independence while being considered by Beijing a renegade province and inalienable part of China. 达赖喇嘛是一个有力的象征,表明台湾在走一根外交钢丝绳,一面是事实上的独立,另一面是被北京视为一个叛离省份,是中国不可分割的一部分。
- hina has territorial disputes with four Southeast Asian neighbours -- Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam -- and with Taiwan, which Beijing considers as a renegade province. 中国和邻近的许多东南亚国家的领土纠纷,如马尼拉、菲律宾、越南等等。
- The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake. 叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。
- Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province. 这省经常发生骚乱。
- I was born in a small village in Hebei Province. 我出生在河北省的一个小村庄。
- The play is set in Jiangxi province. 这戏中的故事发生在江西。