passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form
returning to a former state
用作名词 (n.)
Do I have faith retrogression, to sigh over Leihen heart! 难道我信念已经倒退后,心里尽叹息满泪痕!
The anti-Communist die-hards have their idea of unification,they want to unify us into splitting and retrogression. 反共顽固派有一套统一论,要我们统一于分裂,统一于倒退。
Slow growth equals stagnation and even retrogression. 低速度就等于停步,甚至等于后退。
The experience of the "cultural revolution" has already proved that chaos leads only to retrogression,not to progress,and that there must be good order if we are to move forward. 文化大革命的经验已经证明,动乱不能前进,只能后退,要有秩序才能前进。
These characteristics are concretely reflected in Japan's retrogression and paucity of support and in China's progress and abundance of support. 这个特点的具体反映是日本的退步和寡助,中国的进步和多助。