- Beijing won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. 北京赢得了2008年奥运会举办权。
- It determines whether Beijing has the right to host the 2008 Olympics. 它决定着北京是否有权承办2008年奥运会。
- Torino in Italy won the right to host the last Winter Olympic Games. 意大利都灵赢得上届冬奥会的主办权。
- China is actively bidding for the right to host the Paralympic Games. 中国积极争取残疾人奥运会的主办权。
- Beijing has the right to host the Olympics through democracy voting of ICO. 北京是通过国际奥委会通过民主投票产生的主办城市。
- Beijing was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul and Paris for the right to host the2008 Summer Olympic Games. 北京与多伦多、阪、斯坦布尔和巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。
- Annie: It is up to the International Olympic Committee to decide which city has the right to host the Olympics. 安妮:哪个城市具有举办权是由国际奥委会决定的。
- He will visit all of the bidding cites and decided which city can get the right to host. 国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。
- Internation ..... ..... will visit all the 申办 cities for deciding which city can gain the right to host. 国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。
- July 1, 2004, OCA announced that Guangzhou was the right to host the 16th Asian Games. 2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。
- July 1 2004 OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games. 2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会公布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。
- Beijing was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul and Paris for the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. 北京与多伦多、大阪、伊斯坦布尔和巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。
- July 1, 2004, OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games. 2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The Evaluation Commission of IOC will visit all the biding citys in order to decided which one will win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. 国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。
- They drew lots for the right to go first. 他们抓阄儿决定谁先走。
- The international Olympic Games Commitee evalution teem will visit all candidate cities to decide which one could get the right to host . 国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- He allowed that I had the right to appeal. 他同意我有权上诉。
- BOCOG is responsible for the preparation and staging of the 2008 Olympic Games and was established in 2001, directly after Beijing won the right to host the 2008 Summer Games. 北京奥组委成立于2001年北京获得2008年夏季奥运会主办权后不久,它承担着2008年奥运会的筹办和组织工作。