- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。
- He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- Robbery is now an everyday occurrence. 抢劫的事现在每天都有。
- His account of the robbery won't hold water. 他对抢劫案的陈述是不真实的。
- He commit three petrol station robbery in two day. 两天内,他三次暴力抢劫汽油加油站。
- He describe the robbery in detail to us. 他向我们详细地描述了抢劫事件。
- He is put away for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫而关押了十年。
- He had an accident and bashed up his car. 他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。
- All blame for the accident must attach to myself. 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。
- The accident bereaved her of her son and husband. 那次事故夺去了她的儿子和丈夫。
- The car has been badly mashed up in the accident. 这辆汽车在事故中被压碎了。
- He denied figuring in the robbery. 他否认参加过抢劫。
- The robbery was pinned on the wrong defendent. 抢劫罪判错原告了。
- I ran it all down to them about the robbery. 我把抢劫案向他们详述了。
- He denied any role in the robbery. 他否认曾参与这起抢劫案。
- He was put away for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫而关押了十年。
- The man was sentenced to deportation for robbery. 这个男人因犯盗窃罪被驱逐出境。